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Fulda expert gives nutritional tips in Corona times


The corona virus has a significant impact on people’s shopping behavior. In many places, hamster purchases shape the picture in supermarkets. But what is really useful to survive a long time at home or quarantine?

By our editorial member Lisa Krause

There are yawning emptiness on some shelves in local supermarkets. The bestsellers: pasta, bag soups and white flour. And you don’t even want to imagine how many frozen pizzas are stacked in some freezer compartments at home.

Ursula Zimmermann, a nutritionist from Fulda, classifies this behavior as extremely critical: “What many people are currently doing is connected with an old way of thinking from times of famine. Even then, poor people in particular relied on pastries to be able to survive. ”Apart from the fact that we will no longer get into such a precarious situation in which food is becoming scarce, this type of diet is simply harmful and just make you sick.

Food for the immune system

“Especially in times of a virus, such dishes are counterproductive. We need a lot of zinc, vitamin C and iron to keep our immune system fit, ”explains the expert. She advises above all on foods such as spinach, berries or legumes. You can easily buy these things in the tin or in the freezer.

Strengthen the immune system now: These foods have an antibacterial effect

First of all, good news: an intact immune system is usually quite able to cope with viruses, bacteria or fungi that penetrate our body. To understand: The human immune system is our body’s own police and a very complex system that consists of different organs, tissues, cells and molecules.

Basically, Zimmermann recommends that you always have certain foods at home – whether in crisis or not. “Beets, potatoes and carrots are important. I always have some oat milk, corn or kidney beans from a can or a glass on the shelf. With such ingredients you can quickly cook very nutritious and simple dishes, ”says Zimmermann. It is also a good idea to boil a large portion of soups or stews and then freeze them.

Dealing with herbs

Onions in particular are true vitamin C bombs, as is garlic. According to the expert, pumpkins, eggs and citrus fruits also belong in the pantry. “Even a box of apples provides nutrients over a long period of time.” In principle, you should use a lot of vitamins C and D and zinc in the cold winter months, when you get sick more quickly. “Nutrition plays a major role, especially in the case of a viral infection, since it can weaken the body very much.”

In addition to the typical basic foodstuffs, seeds and nuts (simply because they are easy to store) or various herbs, for example for seasoning and refining, should not be forgotten: “Our nature offers us so many delicious things, such as wild garlic, nettle tips, yaw or yarrow. Maybe one or the other is getting the urge to deal with it in his free time.

It is worthwhile to experiment

There are many pages on the Internet that explain what each herb looks like, ”suggests Zimmermann. In addition, you should not be afraid to try something new in the kitchen. “Experiment with food, and consciously involve the next generation. Cooking together connects. “

The Fulda resident suspects that the corona crisis will bring some aha effects, especially in terms of nutrition and sustainability. “That was already the case in the oil crisis. Suddenly everyone was able to ride a bike and walk. ”In addition, in this unprecedented situation, she sees an opportunity to spend free time with sense and reason. “Our society lives in a hamster wheel. Now we can try to be more mindful and grateful in restricted everyday life – and to live a little bit healthier, ”says Zimmermann.

Stay fit during the Corona period: training in your own four walls

By our editorial member Nadine Buß You can quickly feel underused in your own four walls in the long run. This need not be. You can also wake up your sporting ambition without having a treadmill or various fitness equipment available. Alexandra Proehl (38), personal trainer and running trainer from Fulda, shows how it works and what you have to consider.

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Strengthen the immune system now: These foods have an antibacterial effect

First of all, good news: an intact immune system is usually quite able to cope with viruses, bacteria or fungi that penetrate our body. To understand: The human immune system is our body’s own police and a very complex system that consists of different organs, tissues, cells and molecules.

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