Home » today » Business » Fuels, skyrocketing prices for gasoline, methane and diesel which breaks through 1.6 euros per liter – Corriere.it

Fuels, skyrocketing prices for gasoline, methane and diesel which breaks through 1.6 euros per liter – Corriere.it

The race in fuel prices does not stop, which, according to the weekly data released by the Ministry of Ecological Transition, stand, in self-service mode, at 1.746 euros per liter for gasoline, at 1.608 euros for diesel and 0.826 euros for the Gpl. Although tensions on international markets had eased slightly in recent days, now, as consumer associations report, the price of diesel fuel is at its highest since 2014.

Assoutenti: Risk of devastating effects on Christmas consumption

The trend in the fuel price lists is now an emergency, with petrol and diesel fuel costing more than 21% more than at the beginning of the year. what the president of Assoutenti Furio Truzzi writes in a note. Increases that affect not only supplies, but the retail prices of a multitude of products, and logistical costs for companies and industries. The concrete risk that the wave of price increases and the higher costs caused by expensive gasoline will lead to a reduction in household spending during the upcoming Christmas holidays, with devastating effects for the national economy which is just now recovering after the crisis caused by the Covid. Truzzi’s request to the government to intervene urgently, cutting the taxation that applies on fuels in order to contain the growth in price lists and limit the indirect effects of expensive gasoline on the prices of products transported and on costs for industry and businesses. Otherwise, there will be negative repercussions on next Christmas.

Coldiretti: Increases up to 50% for farmers

Meanwhile, Coldiretti also raises the alarm. The surge in the cost of oil and the rise in fuel prices in fact push the cost of sowing to double and have an avalanche effect along the supply chain, from field to table. The association goes so far as to talk about the “food sovereignty of the country” to be protected, from wheat to meat to milk. The rise in oil prices is destined to infect the entire economy because – underlines Coldiretti – it reduces the purchasing power of citizens and families, but also increases the costs of businesses. In fact, with the start of autumn cultivation operations, farmers are forced to face increases of up to 50% for the diesel fuel necessary for activities that include grubbing, rolling, sowing and fertilization. The increase in energy costs, explains the association, also concerns the heating of greenhouses for flowers and vegetables, but the costs for the purchase of fertilizers, for the drying of fodder for animal feed, for the machines are also increasing. agricultural and spare parts for which there are even worrying delays in deliveries.

Codacons: For families 430 euros of extra expenses in petrol

According to Codacons, the increase in fuel prices entail greater expenditure for families, which can be calculated at 430 euros per year in the case of petrol cars and 419 euros in the case of diesel cars. A real emergency – according to President Carlo Rienzi – against which the government remains immobile, while it would be urgent to intervene by cutting VAT and excise duties on fuels to save the pockets of consumers, increasingly impoverished by the devastating effects of expensive gasoline.

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