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Fuel prices in Poland. Orlen announces another cut

“We are reacting to market changes and again this week we are lowering fuel prices at our stations. Diesel prices drop by PLN 0.10 / l to the average level of PLN 7.35, and gasoline prices by PLN 0.15 / l to the average level of PLN 6.64. We are actively working to keep fuel prices in Poland at the lowest in Europe, “Daniel Obajtek wrote on Twitter.

See also: Fuel prices continue to rise. Expert: It is possible that we will see slight reductions

Urszula Cieślak from BM Reflex points out that this is not a decision “which results only from good will”, as it was determined by the situation on the crude oil and currency markets.

The appreciation of the zloty and the fall in fuel prices in the world markets mean that wholesale prices have already dropped significantly, compared to the maximum level recorded around March 9-10. Wholesale gasoline became cheaper by over PLN 0.15 per liter net, and wholesale diesel – when it comes to PKN Orlen spot prices – became cheaper by PLN 1. Generally, therefore, we have lower wholesale fuel prices and all deliveries of new fuel that will be delivered to the station at these lower prices will, of course, translate into fuel price levels, the expert noted.

Fuel prices in Poland

She noted that reduction of fuel prices on the entire marketu may take up to several days. The point is – she explained – that some stations still sell fuel stocks from the more expensive deliveries on March 8, 9 or 10. “Now things have calmed down compared to February 24-27 when basically every shipment came off in a very short time. The market is saturated with regard to end users of fuel, and sales take longer, have returned to the usual standard, or are even lower, and private owners are not able to lower prices to make them equal to those from PKN Orlen “- she noted.

According to Urszula Cieślak, however, one should not expect a very large differentiation in prices between the stations. “We will be below PLN 7 per liter of petrol and below PLN 8 per liter for diesel fuel,” she assessed.

Fuels in Poland

The latest e-petrol.pl report shows that Pb95 gasoline can be refueled at the most attractive prices at the stations of the Świętokrzyskie voivodeship, where it costs an average of PLN 6.77 / l. Diesel fuel is the cheapest in the Opole and Subcarpathian regions, where you pay PLN 7.54 per liter. In the Lublin region, on the other hand, with the price of PLN 3.67 / l, LPG costs the least.

Refueling with 95 octane petrol it is currently the most expensive in the aforementioned lubelskie voivodeship, where its liter costs PLN 6.92. In Warmia and Mazury, the highest price is paid for diesel fuel, a liter of which is offered at PLN 7.69. In the Lubuskie, Pomorskie and Zachodniopomorskie voivodeships, e-petrol.pl recorded the highest LPG prices – in these parts of Poland, the average price of a liter of this fuel is PLN 3.84

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