Tragedy struck in the early hours of July 2nd, as a father of four lost his life after falling into an underground diesel tank at a petrol station in County Kerry, Ireland. The incident has left the community in shock and has brought attention to the potential dangers of working in and around fuel stations. As investigations begin into the cause of the accident, it is important to reflect on the responsibilities that businesses have to ensure the safety of their employees and customers.
An inquest has revealed that a fuel delivery driver, Robbie Slye, died in a tragic accident when he fell headfirst into an underground diesel tank while opening a manhole on the forecourt of Tuite’s garage in Oldcastle, Co Meath in April 2021. Despite being rescued within a minute and taken by air ambulance to Tallaght University Hospital, Slye died later that night from injuries sustained in the fall. The underground diesel tank was in use with deliveries made every 7 to 10 days, and CCTV footage revealed that Slye had been in the hole for 40 seconds before being spotted by the garage owner, John Tuite. Concerns were raised about the presence of water in the chamber, but an inspector with the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) stated that it was almost impossible to avoid given the Irish weather and the prevalence of rainwater and run-off, even with newer, more modern tanks. The HSA inspector also commented that while safety guidelines around fuel tanks at forecourts were more focused on petrol as it was more highly flammable than diesel, the incident was not foreseeable and had not been the subject of any risk assessment. The inquest concluded with a verdict of accidental death, accompanied by a recommendation made by the jury that consideration be given to installing a safety grid to the access chamber of underground fuel tanks where possible.
The tragic death of a father of four, who fell into an underground diesel tank on a filling station forecourt, serves as a sobering reminder of the dangers that can lurk in unexpected places. Despite this unfortunate incident, we hope that stricter safety measures will be put in place to prevent similar accidents in the future. Our thoughts are with the family and loved ones of the deceased during this difficult time.