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Fuel crisis, there is a trick to replace diesel

Fuel crisis, there is a trick to replace the diesel that is talked about a lot in recent days, Let’s see in detail what it is.

The price of fuel does not stop rising. The situation for Italian citizens is becoming very serious, and already yesterday in many areas of Italy there were long queues at petrol stations.


On the one hand, its cost has now exceeded the historical threshold of 2.30 euros per literon the other hand there is also the problem that diesel is starting to be unavailable in many cities.

The price of fuel continues to rise

And there are many taxpayers who are beginning to fear the worst, and that we are heading towards a new historical phase, where fuel will be considered a luxury item. And this is why for several days now we have been talking about alternative forms of fuel to be used in cars. This for example is the case with diesel. In fact, there are many people who propose to start using cooking oil instead of diesel.

A solution which seemed ridiculous to many, to the point that we immediately started talking about the usual hoax that exists on the internet. To clarify the matter definitively, the car experts of the German club spoke today. Yes, as incredible as it may seem, it is really possible to use cooking oil instead of diesel as an alternative fuel. And in reality we are not even talking about a novelty.

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In fact, this is a method that was used since the early twentieth century, and used cooking oil was a popular alternative fuel for some machines. Also because the engines of the time were very different from those of today, and they were able to endure these variations in the composition of the fuel with much more confidence.

This solution, however, is not very feasible today. Firstly because it is illegal in many states including Italy. Secondly, because it is a choice that damages modern engines in the long run. Prolonged use of vegetable oil as fuel leads in a short time the car to have problems even in the ignition.

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