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FSE-CTG – Europe Guyane

The Member States of the European Union adopted in 2010 the Europe 2020 Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. All European policies must participate in this strategy, with a budget of 960 billion euros for the period 2014-2020.

The regional policy of the European Union or “cohesion policy” aims at harmonization and cohesion in the development of European regions. This policy is implemented in Guyana through 2 funds: the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Social Fund (ESF).

The ESF is the main financial lever of the European Union for the promotion of employment.

He works on the following themes:

  • Improve employment opportunities,
  • Strengthen social inclusion and fight against poverty,
  • Promote education, skills acquisition and lifelong learning,
  • Strengthen administrative capacities.

It is managed in part by the Territorial Collectivity of Guyana and in part by the State.

The ESF represents 54 million euros managed directly by the CTG, for the benefit of professional training and the establishment of services of general economic interest.

In addition, the State manages 90.4 million euros in ESF, including 7.4 million euros for youth employment under the European Youth Initiative (EYI).

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