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Fruits to Avoid When Coughing: Citrus, Bananas, Papaya, Pineapple, Strawberries, Avocados

SEMARANG CITY – Everyone, from children to the elderly, can get coughs, which appear more often during the change of seasons or changes. Coughing usually causes the body to feel uncomfortable and usually interferes with daily activities. While coughing can sometimes last a long time, it usually resolves on its own within a few days.

If you have a cough, don’t exercise for too long. Getting enough rest can help you recover and heal more quickly. Also avoid some fruits because they can slow down the healing of coughs.

What fruits should you avoid? The following are some of them, as quoted from Hellosehat:

1. Citrus fruit

With their high vitamin C content, citrus fruits can help adults and children experience fewer colds and coughs. However, the high acidity of citrus can also cause a sore throat and increase phlegm production in the respiratory tract. Consuming oranges can also increase stomach acid, which worsens dry coughs in people suffering from gastric acid reflux (GERD).

2. Bananas

Because bananas contain a lot of fiber and nutrients, don’t eat too many when you cough. When the body is exposed to an allergen or allergy trigger, the immune system produces histamine. Foods containing histamine can cause inflammation and irritation of the throat, causing a cough that won’t go away.

3. Papaya Fruit

Some people may experience throat irritation, which makes coughing worse, if they consume papaya. As mentioned in a study published in the journal Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology Research (2016), fruits containing papain, which has the potential to function as an allergen, should be avoided when coughing. Too much papaya can also cause wheezing and shortness of breath.

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4. Pineapple

Pineapples are thought to relieve coughs with phlegm because of their high water content. Additionally, pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, which helps break down protein, thins phlegm, and reduces inflammation. However, for some people, bromelain can cause allergies, characterized by breathing problems, nausea, and vomiting.

5. Strawberries

Studies show that strawberries can increase histamine in the body, which can cause allergies in some people. In addition, fruits that contain citric and salicylic acid can make coughs worse. These fruits should not be eaten when coughing. Some berries, such as raspberries and strawberries, have small seeds that can cause a sore throat.

6 avocados

Some people believe that avocados can cause coughs. This is not completely true. A study published in the journal Foods (2018) shows that avocados have high histamine levels, namely 23 mg/kg.

High histamine can cause immune reactions such as shortness of breath, wheezing, and headaches.

In some cases, this can cause severe allergies or anaphylaxis. Keep in mind that each person has a different reaction to the types of fruit that should not be eaten when coughing, as mentioned above. Therefore, you should observe your body’s reaction to know which foods to avoid when coughing.

Also avoid foods and drinks that are prohibited when coughing, such as fried foods, spicy foods and fizzy drinks. This can worsen symptoms and prolong recovery.

Consult a doctor immediately to find out the cause of your cough and appropriate treatment.

2023-10-06 19:27:00
#Fruits #Avoided #Cough #Recover #Quickly #channel9.id

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