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From woman to woman: the head of the TEPJF delivers certificate of elected president

In the plenary hall of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation yesterday, the campaign slogan, the phrase of a speech or the definition of an exercise of government was taken to another level. At 12:45, Claudia Sheinbaum received the scroll proclaiming her president-elect, the first in 200 years of independent Mexico, and then the expression materialized: let’s continue making history.

With a huge smile that reflected satisfaction, joy and shyness, she took the document in front of those she has appointed as members of her cabinet, the political class of the movement that nominated her; those who competed for the candidacy in the internal process and, as always, those who have made ecological opportunism their way of life.

On the other side of the upper chamber, where the solemn session to make her president-elect took place, were the representatives of the powers and institutions of the Republic. In the midst of the revolt unleashed by the announced judicial reform, the chief justice of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, Norma Piña, and the rest of the members of the plenary stood out in the front rows.

Under the spell of history and republican forms, they all listened to Sheinbaum’s first message as president-elect: Justice in the broad sense of the word means social justice, environmental justice, justice for women and also for the poor, for the rich, that is, the people also decided by majority on a true system of justice, which is equal for all Mexicans..

The speech was met with enthusiastic applause from most of those present, with the exception of the hardline members of the Court. With grim faces, they did not make the slightest gesture of recognition to make it clear that, for them, republican ways have limits. If anything, there was only a timid applause from President Piña, in contrast to the enthusiastic applause from ministers Lenia Batres, Yasmín Esquivel and Loretta Ortiz.

Another moment of political realism, in the impasse Republican who represented the ceremony, the president-elect’s reference was clear to the imminent resolution for the formation of the Legislature. On June 2, the people of Mexico also expressed their will for the composition of the Congress of the Union and the electoral rule is clear.. Thus, with one stroke of the brush, she let them feel the full weight of the strategic importance of that decision in their project.

In the front rows, her family witnessed the historic moment. In that row reserved for those closest to her, there was also room for a living legend of the movement: Senator Ifigenia Martínez. She arrived slowly to witness the result of her long struggle as a woman in politics since those years of the system’s rupture with the Democratic Current that preceded the Salinas administration and the neoliberal splendor, officially liquidated in this six-year term.

Also present was a legendary figure of national literature: Elena Poniatowska.

It is an honor to be with Claudia today

At noon, Claudia Sheinbaum arrived accompanied by her husband. There were no riots at the entrance. Perhaps in order not to further heat up the atmosphere due to the announced judicial reform, the movement decided to take its party somewhere else, far from that building, which is part of the heart of the Judiciary. Only fifty supporters arrived, who chanted: It is an honor to be with Claudia today.to silence the cries of half a dozen opponents, who condemned an alleged state election.

At the doors of the session hall, magistrates from the TEPJF, headed by President Mónica Soto, were already waiting for Sheinbaum. This time, they put aside their bitter internal dispute to receive the person who will preside over the nation in 46 days.

Dressed in impeccable white clothing, the former head of government listened to Soto’s long speech, in which he offered some information that gave an account of the historic nature of the solemn session: Dr. Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, the first woman to assume the supreme mandate of our Republic, after 200 years and 65 men in officeShe will be one of 26 female rulers in the world and will join the five in Latin America.

Sheinbaum began her speech with words for them: the heroic women of our country, the visible ones; but also the millions of invisible women of generations and generations, who have made it possible for us to achieve this high recognition..

However, during those 15 minutes, she did not forget to highlight the main leader of the movement that today has her on the verge of the highest office in the Republic: President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. She spoke in terms of complete agreement with him, of humanism, of social rights, of fraternity, of the construction of the welfare state as the axis of her government.

And once again, as in these six years, he exorcised those evils that have plagued the country: no more neoliberalism, never again another war against drug trafficking.

It was a sober, brief and to the point speech that he signed with the ratification of his commitment: “We will rise to the occasion and to the occasion of our beautiful and glorious people.

I make the commitment not to disappoint, and to put all my effort, my knowledge, my heart, my effort, my will and even my life itself to serve my country and my people.

At 12:57 the solemn session concluded. The glass ceiling for women in Mexico had finally been broken. Habemus president-elect.

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– 2024-08-21 20:30:01

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