The third relief package takes students into account with a one-off payment of 200 euros. Now it is clear from when the money can be applied for.
Update from Wednesday, February 15, 2:59 p.m: The payment of the energy allowance for students is getting closer. According to a press release from the state of Saxony-Anhalt, students and technical students should be able to apply for the 200-euro one-time payment from March 15th. The federal states have therefore agreed on this. In order to be able to submit the application, the website set up, which is valid nationwide for all beneficiaries.
measure | 200 euros one-time payment |
beneficiaries | All enrolled on December 01, 2022 |
start date | Applications can be submitted from March 15th |
“Those entitled to apply can already set up the necessary BundID account,” announced Lydia Hüskens, Minister for Infrastructure and Digital Affairs in Saxony-Anhalt, according to the press release. With the start of the process, all students automatically received access data for the application platform from their training institution. In order to be able to make the start as smooth as possible, there should be a test phase with a limited number of training centers. It should precede the implementation of the payment.
200 euros energy flat rate for students: “Are on the home stretch”
Update from Monday, February 13, 3:41 p.m.: While most people in Germany have already benefited from the relief packages from the federal government, students still have to wait for emergency aid despite the announcement and decision. But the wait should soon be over, as Federal Education Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger (FDP) told the German Press Agency on Saturday (February 11).
200 euros energy flat rate for students: New details – the payment is getting closer
“We are now not far from the goal,” said the FDP politician. For calendar week 7 (February 13 to 19), the minister announced the start of an information campaign for the energy flat rate. A hotline should then also be set up for the students. However, the data of the students entitled to the aid would have to be provided by the federal states before the 200 euros could be paid out.
Energy flat rate for students: 200 euros should relieve low earners
First report from February 13, 4:56 a.m.: Frankfurt – The rising prices mean that many citizens are financially worse off than they were a few years ago. People who have to make do with little money are particularly affected by inflation – this also includes students.
The government has already decided on three relief packages to support the population. Part of the packages are, among other things, a heating cost subsidy, as well as the citizen’s allowance, which came into force in January. The electricity and gas price brakes also apply retrospectively from January. Students were initially not taken into account with a flat rate. That is to change with the third relief package. Students and technical students should be relieved by a one-time payment of 200 euros. It’s been quiet since that announcement. Now there are new details about when and how the money should be paid out.
According to Federal Research Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger, we are currently on the home straight and the payment of the energy flat rate for students is getting closer, as the FDP politician of the German press agency announced on Wednesday (February 1st). However, she did not give a specific date. A spokesman for the ministry did not provide any more detailed information.

The implementation of the payment turns out to be more difficult than expected. There is no central contact point that has all the data and account details of students and technical students. This means a high level of communication effort between the federal and state governments. They are now trying to bring the data together on a shared website, which according to the Stuttgart News should bear the name of single The students should be able to request their payment there.
The application is in a completely digital form, the access data should be assigned via the respective training institutions. Anyone enrolled on December 01, 2022 is eligible for payment. The payment is independent of other benefits and will benefit around 3.5 million people.
Students have been waiting for their 200 euro energy allowance for almost half a year
“The law came into force on December 21, 2022. The payment should start at the beginning of this year, i.e. this winter,” writes the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) on its website. While you can already benefit from other relief and price brakes in February, there is still no specific start date for the payment for students. The Deutsches Studierendenwerk is therefore calling for more clarity. “The federal and state governments have to deliver now,” said the CEO, Matthias Anbuhl, to the Stuttgarter Zeitung on Friday (03 February).
The energy flat rate for students was announced almost half a year ago, in September. “They haven’t received anything yet, although they now have the higher costs for gas and electricity,” said Anbuhl. The federal and state governments should no longer leave students in the dark as to when the money will flow, “otherwise politicians will lose the students’ trust.”
Since September, students have been waiting for their 200 euros energy flat rate – criticism from the left too
The student union gets approval from Left party leader Janine Wissler. “The announced emergency aid did not come immediately, nor has it been of any help so far,” she said in Berlin. “The enormously high gas and electricity bills are no trifle and people urgently need this payment,” Wissler continued. The students need planning security in order to be able to finance their studies. After the students were simply forgotten in the first relief packages, they are now being put on the back burner. (kiba/dpa)