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From war hero to prison

Her life isn’t all about the evening of events, argued his lawyer, Me Charles Levasseur.

The defense lawyer recalled McManus’ many missions in hostile territory, for which he was decorated by the military.

Kabul, Kandahar, Nigeria: McManus took part in several perilous missions, where he had the mandate to prepare the ground before the arrival of the troops.

He was doing a job that I would never have the courage to do , underlined Me Levasseur, who proposes to impose on his client five years in prison.

Me Charles Levasseur, lawyer

Photo: Radio-Canada

The prosecutor claims for his part 11 years of detention following the violent acts of McManus, 45 years old.

Three years ago, he mistakenly believed that his then-partner had been sexually assaulted by a man she was doing housekeeping with.

McManus then decides to avenge her by going to this man’s apartment in Val-Bélair.

Hooded, he climbs three floors to reach the victim’s balcony where, after smashing the patio door, he bursts into the apartment.

Hammer attack

Armed with a revolver, he threatens Sylvain Beaudet, himself an ex-soldier, before giving him several hammer blows.

Beaudet suffered an open jaw fracture, a skull fracture and today lives in insecurity.

The representative of the prosecution, Mr.e Maxime Dion, therefore believes that an exemplary sentence is in order.

Yannick-Gary McManus, who was in the throes of post-traumatic stress disorder at the time of the assault, was released from the armed forces in January 2021.

COVID Detention

The defense and the crown also do not agree on the calculation of the preventive detention of McManus, incarcerated since his arrest.

Me Levasseur calculates that his client has already served the equivalent of 5 years in prison, while the prosecution lawyer estimates it at just over 4 years.

The difference is explained by the higher credit requested by the defense who argues that COVID-19 has made conditions of detention more difficult.

Judge Stéphane Poulin will hand down the sentence in January.

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