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From victims to perpetrators – PublicoGT

Miguel Angel Sandoval

One of the themes in the recent history of the Jewish people is the tragedy suffered in Europe, especially Germany, with the rise of Nazifacism before and during the Second World War. The whole world supported the victims. Everyone saw with horror the massacres of Jews in the extermination camps, and all that we know from the documentation work carried out. Hence the creation of the state of Israel and Palestine. This was only in 1948.

From then to date a history of disagreements between these two states, hence the wars in the following years, particularly in 1956, 1967, 1971, before and after; where there was participation from other Arab countries. Today this is not the case, and it must be said, there was a sustained policy on Israel’s part of ignoring the founding agreement of two states in a territory with historical neighbors.

Today the story is different. We witness the great paradox; The victims became the perpetrators. One can agree with the fact that the Holocaust is not what exists in Palestine, especially in the Gaza Strip, but one cannot hide that a genocide only comparable to the Holocaust is being committed in that Palestinian territory. It is not enough that all forms of propaganda are used to hide an unconcealable fact: Israel is destroying the territory of Palestine in Gaza to its foundations. And that is called genocide.

It is no coincidence that countries like South Africa have denounced the genocide of Israel, or that Brazil has vigorously denounced the genocide and that right now, the case is in the international court in The Hague. There are several countries that have condemned the genocide committed in Israel, founded by victims of the Holocaust, which now in a turn of history commits much of what, in years past, the Jewish people suffered.

The story of this paradox is lost in time and without realizing it acquired biblical overtones. But this is not enough nor is it enough to hide what the Israeli government is doing today in Gaza, Palestinian territory, where we see a disproportionate military deployment with two objectives: ethnic cleansing and occupation of territory, which is, without a second thought, the maximum expression of genocide.

Any pretext can be invoked by the rulers of Israel, but the accusations of many countries, of men and women who want to stop living in barbarism, must be enough to bring together the broadest rejection and condemnation of that policy that those who were victims now face. They push with more modern and sophisticated weapons.

Peace and life for Palestine!

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