Home » today » News » From this date it will be mandatory to have the coronavirus vaccine for public school workers in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

From this date it will be mandatory to have the coronavirus vaccine for public school workers in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

reinforcement.karol: thank you.changing the subject,school workersnew york city haveuntil Monday to receive theminus the first dose of thevaccine against covid19 or notthey can work.we go with the details.this could represent astaff shortage in theschools, mariela?mariela: to be seen. hereor be replaced.this has been a strip and catchbetween the teachers unionand the mayor.the mayor says there was nono chaos and that the teachershave to be vaccinated or willeducators who willreplace.parents have gone throughmany things for their children and notthey want to know about this.we had some reactions.you are concerned about the shortage ofteachers?Sure! children can notgo to school. what theteach to?reporter: teachers haveto get vaccinated?I do not think.reporter: you agree withschool protocols?in which he is, í. II feel good.mariela: 10,000 teachershave not yet been vaccinated.according to the teachers union,90% of teachers are alreadyvaccinated.530 teachers receivedexemptions for not getting vaccinated.it could be for reasonsedicas or by religion.1,100 have fallen ill.for information, go to

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