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From these rashes you can see if it’s Corona – content

In many patients, a corona infection is also accompanied by a skin disease. Doctors have now discovered five different types.

Corona disease apparently affects not only the lungs but also the skin. Dermatologists in Spain have discovered five different clinical pictures caused by Covid-19. Their findings have now been published in the renowned medical journal “British Journal of Dermatology”.

For the study, 375 positively tested people were examined over a period of two weeks, who also worked on skin rashes in addition to their corona disease. The researchers also photographed the appearance of various skin diseases.

These are:

Deformation of the skin similar to that of frostbite: This affected 19 percent of the cases examined, especially younger patients. According to the study, the average time until they were healed from the rash was 12.7 days:


2) In nine percent of the cases, rashes were diagnosed – of moderate size, it is said – in middle-aged patients. Here is an example photo:


3) Spotty and nodular skin deformations like with wet leaves

In 19 percent of the cases, this clinical picture occurred mainly in the upper body. This clinical picture is associated with severe itching. It occurred especially in patients who had a severe course of the coronavirus:


4) Skin rashes similar to these were observed most frequently, in 49 percent of the cases examined – and here too, particularly in the case of the severe corona patients.


5) Dead tissue: A disorder in the blood supply to the skin similar to burn injuries was diagnosed in 6 percent of the cases. This bad type of skin disease was particularly noticeable in those infected with corona who died from the virus.


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