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from the stage the invitation for Zaki and Regeni

Like every year, Bologna is colored with the colors of the rainbow. Hundreds of them were now in the Regina Margherita park in Bologna, many of them wearing masks. A pride in reduced form, compared to other years, without demonstration and with far fewer people but the joy was not lacking.

It was also a moment to reflect, during the flash mob in the lawn by microphones there was talk of Sarah Hijazi, the Egyptian activist who recently committed suicide after being persecuted in her country, but also of Giulio Regeni and Patrick Zaki, proposing to boycott holidays in Egypt until justice and civil rights are restored.

“His death (by Sarah) – says Andrea Ruggeri, coordinator of UAAR Bologna, union of atheists, agnostics and rationalists – triggered a great response on social media, which is why today we decided to start our speeches starting from the commemoration of his life . You were a very young activist who waged major civil rights battles. Battles that for us in the pride are all connected ”.

Among the organizers we find Giuseppe Seminario, president of the Cassero of Bologna “pride is a political demonstration that we cannot give up even in an emergency like this, because the lives of lgbtqi people have suffered more discrimination than the others during the quarantine. A moment to fight against the law against homotransphobia which will soon begin to be discussed in parliament “.

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