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From the lockdown in Austria to risky treatments in Germany: the no vax squeeze is triggered in Europe

While in Italy continue to rise incidence and transmissibility index Rt, Europe tightens its grip on no vax. Austria leads the way and from Monday 8 November it will impose the first lockdown for those who are not immunized. Which means no more restaurants, nightlife, hotels, sports and cultural events, as well as no skiing holidays. “When we get in the car we put on the seat belt, the Covid vaccine is our belt,” Chancellor Alexander said. Schallenberg, after the nearly ten thousand cases in the last 24 hours.

Germany announces third dose for all six months after the second

A firm squeeze while winter is upon us and contagions at record levels in Germany announces the third dose for all six months after the second. Europe increasingly the global epicenter of the pandemic accelerates on the immunization booster. Grappling with the fourth wave, it is Berlin that announces a new generalized phase of the prevention campaign, accompanied by a hard line towards no vaxes.

Unsafe treatment for no vax in Thuringia

The president of Thuringia, Bodo Ramelow, has threatened to stop treating those who will not accept the administration of the serum, should the pressure on health facilities rise too much. And in the meantime, from Monday Saxony – where a new lockdown is feared if we do not act “quickly” – will become the first German Land to limit access to restaurants, bars and cultural events to immunized only, that is to those who are vaccinated or cured from Covid, excluding the possibility of a swab as a pass.

Over 37 thousand new cases, new negative peak

In the last 24 hours, the Robert Koch Institut recorded 37,120 new cases – a new negative peak after that of Thursday 4 November – and 154 deaths in Germany. The weekly value of the incidence of infections is also at record levels, with 169.9 patients per 100 thousand inhabitants. “The fourth wave has accelerated a lot and hits with great impetuosity. We have difficult weeks ahead of us, ”warned German Health Minister Jens Spahn.

The Malta case

Acceleration on the booster is increasingly decisive throughout Europe. Malta, which with 94% is the country with the highest rate of complete vaccinations in the continent, has also announced that third doses will be “gradually extended to all people over 12 years of age”.

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