Home » today » News » From the inspiration of the pen to pick up the country – Al-Shahed Newspaper

From the inspiration of the pen to pick up the country – Al-Shahed Newspaper

A state of general frustration suffered by most of the people due to the continued state of instability and aggravation that has been going on for decades between the legislative and executive authorities, without any signs of a radical solution to this dilemma, which led to the halting of development and development in the country and turned everyone into teams and groups for one party against the other without To offer everyone any sign of hope for reform.
Everyone has an unacceptable boredom because of the many resignations of the government, the dissolution of the nation’s councils, and the people’s preoccupation with political matters and electoral and partisan conflicts, which facilitated the work of the corrupt influential in devouring what remained of the state’s money and increasing their wealth and control over the important facilities in the state with the negligence of the people, whose role has become the greatest part of it is to crash On the bad conditions without a serious move from him to straighten the crookedness of the two powers.
Members of the National Assembly have borne the bulk of corruption legislation and nepotism, and caused the destruction of government administration by interfering in electoral appointments and blackmailing ministers to obtain bids for their bachelors outside the National Assembly, but that does not mean that the government is innocent of the halt in development and the spread of corruption and opening the door of nepotism wide to buy loyalties At the expense of efficiency and public money.
General frustration with the continuing state of crisis in the country is accompanied by general dissatisfaction with the condition of the roads in the country, despite the fact that heavy rains have witnessed most of the Gulf countries, but the organized corruption in the country has turned the country’s roads into roads similar to poor third world countries, despite their maintenance less than a year ago, but Corrupters want the state and public money to be obligated annually to pay millions of dinars for maintenance in order to reap the big money.
In light of the foggy atmosphere in the country, the new government is required immediately to take unconventional steps by punishing those responsible for the destruction of roads and signing with major international companies to repair them, and not to submit to the local agent and local subcontractors that played and manipulated the state and the people without scruples of conscience, religion or A law, which is a position that, if taken by the government, will at least dissipate and reduce the state of public frustration.
The government has the power to send positive messages to the people, which are very simple, related to canceling the exceptional salaries of ministers and leaders and granting them to those who have made achievements during their work, confronting inflation and the high cost of living, adjusting the salary scale and bringing the corrupt to trial to imprison and punish them and not to acquit them, and resorting to international companies to develop and renaissance the country, and these are messages that will be Joyful for the people and supportive of the government in its stance against the blackmail and pressure of politicians with personal interests.

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