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From the fight against the virus to the fight for the vaccine

« As a Moroccan, the feeling that is dearest to me in life is that of being proud of My Marocity. “. Thus spoke His Majesty King Mohammed VI, during the Royal speech delivered at the opening of the 4e year of the 9e legislature. Even today, we Moroccans are convinced that the management of this health crisis, which requires courage, has shown us to what extent the royal strategy is proactive, daring and above all laden with lessons.

A King who decides, traces and dares

The least we can say is that Covid-19 brought the whole world to its knees in less time than it takes to say it. And few countries have known and above all been able to make it an opportunity in this pivotal period. Morocco itself, even at short notice, took the leap and showed genius in spite of the very trying situation for all countries. Indeed, the Moroccan experience is one of the most successful in the fight against Covid-19, especially in terms of vaccination at a time when even the richest, most powerful and most influential countries are struggling to manage. their operations.

Thus, the Kingdom with good countenance, convinced that it is in the crisis and the difficulty that we measure its strengths and skills, has set itself up as a model of good management of the pandemic. And the vaccination campaign crowns everything since the barrier of 20,000,000 doses will be crossed in the days to come. From the start of the pandemic, the tone was set by His Majesty the King, having an eye for everything, and all means were in place to deal with the firus. The mechanism was triggered on all sides and the country has thus taken a step ahead of European countries. Moreover, should it be remembered that the Kingdom is the first African country to have launched its vaccination campaign for free?

But the final whistle is not given and the leadership undertaken by His Majesty in the management of the pandemic crisis continues to hoist the flag of the Kingdom. And as proof, this great leap he made to position himself in the big leagues, through the project announced Monday, July 5.

It is therefore the signing of two Memorandums, one relating to cooperation between Morocco and the National Pharmaceutical Group of China (Sinopharm) and the other concerning the establishment of vaccine manufacturing capacities in Morocco between the Kingdom and the company Recipharm. The third agreement is a contract for the provision to Morocco of the aseptic filling facilities of the Moroccan Therapeutic Company (Sothema) for the manufacture of the anti-Covid19 vaccine, owned by the company Sinopharm between the Moroccan State and the company Sothema.

The result of a public-private partnership, the project, which will mobilize a global investment of around $ 500 million, aims to start in the short term with a production capacity of 5 million doses of anti-Covid19 vaccine per month. This will undoubtedly give a strong boost to the national economy with a wave of a magic wand.

One feat leads to another

This is to say that this project is the smoking stroke but even more a new strategic step, considered and decided by a King who has a sure eye. This confirms the anticipatory approach which is part of the royal desire to endow the Kingdom with global and integrated industrial and biotechnological capacities to manufacture vaccines and promote the self-sufficiency of the Kingdom while guaranteeing the health sovereignty of the Kingdom at good. teaches.

Certainly, this project, which aims to produce the anti-Covid vaccine in our country, will further strengthen the national industrial fabric. It is the consecration of a Morocco on guard, which has carved out its place internationally and which wants to be a pioneer in its vocation as a provider of health security within its regional and continental environment. Morocco thus continues its leadership race and turns the crisis into opportunities to develop its skills and emphasize its strengths.

If initially the first concern was to immunize all components of the Moroccan population in order to contain the spread of the virus, today this major initiative is a new feat in the fight against Covid-19. By equipping itself with a “wire & finish” industrial infrastructure, Morocco is showing anticipation and taking a good head start in the field of manufacturing vaccines against Covid-19. The Kingdom inevitably takes a big step towards its independence in the field of vaccine manufacturing and fits in with the big boys.

Ultimately, above all praise, the facts and deeds therefore confirm it once again: Morocco is moving forward and avoiding the worst, with all due honor, thanks to the Royal vision for an efficient and proactive management of the crisis. pandemic and its consequences. From this global crisis that is Covid-19 and its variants, we should emerge stronger and more united at all.

Together we will win our battles. Let us trust our Morocco, this other Morocco which, by chance, takes the step and the right turn, this Morocco which from the distress of the pandemic, gives birth to hope for a better future.

But let’s be vigilant, all is not yet won! The virus is still among us, it crawls like a snake that threatens to bite at any time.

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