Lazio against Cagliaribut above all Castellanos against Mina. The hosts’ Argentine striker and the guests’ Colombian defender faced each other and clashed for 78 minutes of the postponed eleventh round, at the Olimpico, which ended 2-1: it was the Serie Ait looked like a South American championship, with all the rough edges involved. Then thereferee Ayroldi sent Mina off and Castellanos greeted him with wicked irony: “Bye bye”. Concept reinforced by a story published on Instagram by the center forward of the Roman club: the photo of his greeting, accompanied by the soundtrack of The List Representative (“And with your hands, with your hands, with your hands bye bye”)
The provocations on the pitch between Mina and Castellanos
Right from the start, in the first half, the two faced each other with fouls and fouls, accompanied by continuous verbal provocations: Castellanos covered his mouth with his hand and muttered cute things, Mina pointed at him with wild eyes and responded in kind. Then, after the race director’s intervention, the fake reconciliation: Mina’s caress on Castellanos’ head was anything but friendly.

Mina’s explosion and the scratches on Castellanos’ skin
At 33′ of the second half, with the Colombian already booked, the epilogue: Zaccagni’s throw, the defender-attacker contact, Castellanos’ collapse to the ground, the second yellow card waved in Mina’s face. To the other Cagliari players who protested – like the midfielder Adopo, who ironically applauded Ayroldi, also receiving a red card – the Lazio center forward showed his torn shirt and, lifting it, the scratch marks left on his left side after the body blow. body with the opponent.

Mina, the duel with Vlahovic in Juventus-Cagliari
Mina is a very physically strong defender, tall and technical, who always plays his matches on the edge of provocation. Last October 6, in Juventus-Cagliarihe engaged in a very long duel with Dusan Vlahovicwho indeed scored from a penalty, but was also evidently conditioned by his aggressiveness. There too: little words, nudges, mind games. The Serbian suffered on the pitch, but it wasn’t the first in 2024.
Mina, the previous ones with Zirkzee and Osimhen
Last January 9th, when he was playing in the FiorentinaMina entered the field in the second extra half of the Italian Cup match against Bologna. His first gesture? A squeeze of a nipple Zirkzee. The Dutchman rolled on the ground, then got up and shouted at the referee, mimicking the blow he received, but referee Marchetti did not intervene. Just like his colleague Pairetto when Mina, who in the meantime moved to Cagliari, reserved the same treatment for him Osimhenin the championship match against Napoli on 25 February. Indeed, Pairetto did something: he called a foul in favor of Cagliari because the Nigerian footballer, after the wink, pushed Mina away, protesting like a madman.

Suarez “The Cannibal” and the bites of Ivanovic and Chiellini
It is objectively not easy for a referee to notice such “unexpected” gestures in melees between players during matches. Just think of the bites of Luis Suarez remained unpunished. The then Liverpool striker first bit Chelsea’s Branislav Ivanovic in the 2013 Premier League match and then did an encore with Giorgio Chielliniin the 2014 World Cup match between Italy and Uruguay. From that day on, Suarez was the “Cannibal” of football. Between scratches and squeezes, Mina still waits for her nickname.
#scratches #pinches #tough #play #Cagliari #defender #Yerry #Mina