Home » today » Technology » From Saturday to Sunday, people from the Czech Republic may see aurora borealis

From Saturday to Sunday, people from the Czech Republic may see aurora borealis

Glow is the result of the interaction of a dense cloud of charged particles with the Earth’s atmosphere. “If the geomagnetic storm is as strong as astronomers predict, the glow observable from our extremities will be low above the northern horizon, most likely after dark. However, it pays to observe throughout the night, “said astronomer Petr Horálek from the Silesian University in Opava, referring to information from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. According to him, the weather forecast is good so far, the observation should not disturb even the Moon, which will not be released until the second half of the night.

The astronomer pointed out that for observation it is necessary to find a place with a perfect view to the north without light pollution. “And keep an eye on some online auroral monitor, for example SolarHam, “ added.

According to Horálek, oolar glow can be statistically observed in the Czech Republic once a year. “But there are years when nothing happens, and then there are years when you need four in one year. Usually around the maximum of the eleven-year cycle of solar activity – the maximum is approaching, it will take place in 2025, “he said. The last significant aurora borealis was seen by people from the Czech Republic in March 2015.

According to Horálek, aurorae are created due to the interaction of charged particles, which travel continuously from the Sun, with molecules and air atoms in the Earth’s high atmosphere. They commonly occur between 80 and 150 kilometers above the earth’s surface. Behind the interaction are protons, electrons and so-called alpha particles, ie helium nuclei with two protons and two neutrons, which the Sun usually produces during strong eruptions in magnetically closed clouds.

“The earth has its own natural magnetic shield, which diverts most of this life-threatening radiation. However, part of this solar material is trapped in the areas around the Earth’s magnetic poles, where the lines of force of the Earth’s magnetic field and thus the particles penetrate our atmosphere. There, thanks to collisions with atoms and molecules of air, there is excitation and ionization and subsequent radiation in the form of visible light, “he described. “In fact, we are watching a smoldering discharge in the Earth’s atmosphere, the shades of which correspond to specific values ​​of radiated energy,” he concluded.

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