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from San Valentino Gran Vortice with Cold, Rain and Snow. Details and Trend Next Week »ILMETEO.it

Weather: from San Valentino Gran Vortice with Cold, Rain and Snow. Details and Trend Next Week

On Valentine’s Day, winter will roar againThe weather breakthrough will come, it is confirmed. The first serious disturbance of the year is ready to hit a large part of Italy and will do so at the beginning of next week, the trend of which is now rather delineated: Monday 14 February (day of Saint Valentine) a strong disturbancedriven by southerly winds and fed by currents of very cold air, it will bring back a lot rain and also the namethat it could even touch the plain areas. And this time to fill up will be our southern regions, the ones that have suffered most from a clear lack of rainfall in this winter so far quite anomalous: this is the juiciest news.

As confirmed by the latest update just arrived, from Monday the 14th a mighty burst of air arctic-maritime it will spill over to Europe, with important effects also for Italy: in addition to the drop in temperatures, we will therefore have the return of the rains after a very long drought that is still gripping our northern regions.
This flow of very cold air will burst into the Mediterranean basin directly from the Rhone Gate (south-eastern France), thus favoring the genesis of a fast moving Great Vortex towards the Ligurian Sea and the Tyrrhenian Seaa real winter storm able to trigger rain and snow down to very low altitudes.

Due to the cold (lowering temperatures) and the intensity of precipitation the name it might come back to be seen up to the flat areas of Piedmont, Lombardy (flakes not to be excluded as well a Torino, Milano, Pavia e Bergamo) ed Western Emilia.
The Alpine arc will be full of snow with significant accumulations after a dry period that lasted many weeks: this is certainly excellent news, not only for winter sports lovers, but also (and above all) and for nature in general. Think for example of our glaciers and all the other water resources put to the test during this winter season.
Maximum attention will then go to the Northeast and the Tyrrhenian regions where, due to the strong contrasts that will be created between different air masses, we do not exclude the possibility of strong thunderstorms accompanied by violent cold gusts from the northern quadrants.

On the day of Tuesday 15 the bad weather it will continue to insist precisely in the Northeast and the Center-South (especially on the Tyrrhenian side) with phenomena that could still be abundant and also of a reverse nature. Are provided new snowfall on Eastern Alps over 700 meters above sea level and onAppenino starting from 800/1000 meters.

The effects of this disturbed phase could at least continue until Wednesday 16 Februarybefore a new one high pressure recoverywhich should then accompany us for the rest of the week.

Strong disturbance: risk of snowfall in the plains in the North West, thunderstorms on Tyrrhenian sectorsStrong disturbance: risk of snowfall in the plains in the North West, thunderstorms on Tyrrhenian sectors

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