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from ‘risen’ dead to influencers who do not exist

Today’s scenarios of advertising productions can be modified in real time, on the same day of shooting, and have infinite possibilities. This is demonstrated by the advertisement in which Lola Flores is resurrected. From thousands of old images of La Faraona, artificial intelligence analysis has helped create a kind of modern ‘Lola’ who can do and say whatever she wants. It is what is known as deepfake.

But in the past, although with less hasty techniques, something similar was achieved. BMW returned to giving life to Bruce Lee, Audi to Elvis, Ford to Steve McQueen, the Super Bowl to Martin Luther King, Dove to Audrey Hepburn … Thus it was also achieved that David Beckham spoke nine languages ​​or that they coincide for a few moments Michael Jackson and Amy Whinehouse at the wheel of an LG.

Bruce Lee was resurrected for BWM in 2010 with his famous phrase burned into life about life: “Be water, my friend”

The Elvis Presley doll was also resurrected from an Audi ad in 2000.

The Elvis Presley doll was also resurrected from an Audi ad in 2000

However, the real deepfake It started very recently and since its inception it has left its mark, and not always with good intentions. The first inappropriate or malicious use of this technique was when an anonymous user, identified as Redditor, introduced videos of celebrities such as Scarlett Johansson or Gal Gadot in uncomfortable sexual situations that never existed on the web. The user merged artificial intelligence programs to act as a Snapchat filter and placed faces of Hollywood actresses on the body of pornstars.

For many experts, the existence of informative garbage on the net establishes the best scenario to train good judgment when explaining reality.  For many experts, the existence of informative garbage on the net establishes the best scenario to train good judgment when explaining reality.

For many experts, the existence of information garbage on the web establishes the best scenario to train good judgment when explaining reality.

Network marketing has also been affected by the virtual influencers, models generated in a totally artificial way. Such has been the growth of Lilmiquela, Noonoouri or Blawko – with millions of followers—That some brands are beginning to have them as more or less profitable alternatives to advertise their products, such as Dior.

“Technology now presents services and effects never seen before,” the experts question, it is no longer necessary to imagine them because they are not done a posteriori but during the recording process

The truth is that no, they are not real. The influencers Virtual are profiles on social networks with a human image and personal history, but which are actually brands with which some companies promote their products. More or less they are new forms of fiction, a story invented and told through social networks.


The fictional models Blawko and Lilmiquel are friends in the networks, and they tend to have many more followers than the influencers of flesh and blood

To have they even have a worker storytelling behind each character to emphasize their own personality, since according to experts in the field, the important thing is that they have an opinion on the issues that concern today, and even support certain solidarity causes in order to connect with users. It does not seem strange then that some models have more followers than the real ones.

The ‘virtual influencers’ are profiles in networks with a human image and personal history that use their brands to sell the company’s products

Perhaps more dangerous than fake news are the deepfakesInstead of manipulating the truth, they manipulate reality. Of course, deep down everything depends on what we want to believe.

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