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From relocating to Yongsan to resolving forced labor… Public sentiment report card for ‘1st anniversary of election’

After winning the presidential election, Jang emphasized “the people’s victory and national unity”
Opening of the ‘Yongsan Office Era’… Short meeting on the way to work
Positive evaluations such as the 5.18 commemorative ceremony and the Korea-US summit
Criticism grows, such as the prosecution’s biased personnel affairs and Mrs. Kim’s personal performance
Conference on the 100th day of inauguration “Bone-renovation”… Sub-secretary change


A year has passed since President Yoon Seok-yeol was elected at the end of a close match.

After leaving the Blue House and opening the Yongsan Era, the most emphasized values ​​were freedom and the rule of law.

I looked back on the public sentiment report card for the past year, which went through ups and downs amidst many domestic and international issues.

This is reporter Park So-jeong.


Dramatic victory by 0.7% point difference! The winning achievement was the victory of the people and unity.

[윤석열 / 대통령 당선인(지난해 3월 10일) : 우리 모두 힘을 합쳐서 국민과 대한민국 위해서 우리 모두 하나가 되어야 한다고…]

Inauguration Ceremony for Freedom.

[윤석열 / 대통령(지난해 5월 9일) : 자유의 가치를 제대로, 그리고 정확하게 인식해야 합니다.]

Then, leaving the Blue House and opening the Yongsan era, an informal conference on the way to work began, which has never been done in any previous government.

Expectations were raised for his appearance as a new conservative, such as singing the March for the Beloved at the ceremony commemorating the 5.18 Gwangju Democratization Movement and holding a Korea-U.S. summit on the 11th day of his inauguration.

However, criticism grew as first lady Kim Gun-hee’s civilian private performance at the NATO summit, which was the first overseas schedule, was rumored to be a biased personnel from the prosecutor’s office and various suspicions from ministerial candidates.

It was after the message that President Yoon and Kwon Seong-dong, acting representative of the People’s Power at the time, sent and received messages targeting former CEO Lee Jun-seok was captured that the approval rating hit the bottom.

At the press conference on the 100th day of his inauguration, after much thought, President Yoon shouted for a reformation and changed about 50 people below the secretary level in the presidential office.

[윤석열 / 대통령(지난해 8월 17일) : 한치도 국민의 뜻에 벗어나지 않도록 그 뜻을 잘 받들겠습니다. 저부터 앞으로 더욱 분골쇄신하겠습니다.]

Before and after Chuseok, I wanted to find stability in the lives of the underprivileged, but the controversy over slang that arose during my tour of the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada swallowed all the issues.

During his visit to Southeast Asia in November of last year, Korea, Japan, Korea, the United States, Korea, the United States, and even the Korea-China summit, the so-called diplomatic grand slam was achieved, while media issues such as MBC reporters not being allowed to board the private plane and certain reporters meeting in-flight were controversial, and the summary conference was also stopped.

[윤석열 / 대통령(지난해 11월 18일) : 가짜뉴스로 이간질하려고 아주 악의적인 행태를 보였기 때문에….]

[MBC 기자(지난해 11월 18일) : MBC가 뭘 악의적으로 했다는 거죠? 뭐가 악의적이에요?]

At the end of the year, the approval rating started to rise because of the hardline response to the strike by the cargo unions, which advocated the rule of law between labor and management.

[윤석열 / 대통령(지난해 11월 29일) : 부득이 시멘트 분야의 운송 거부자에 대해 업무 개시 명령을 발동합니다.]

The second year in power, starting with three major reforms in labor, pension and education.

During his trip to the Middle East and Switzerland, he led the UAE to invest 30 billion dollars and became the first salesperson in Korea.

As public sentiment fluctuated again over the issue of heating cost bombs, they focused on improving public livelihood by announcing a freeze on public charges in the first half of the year and ordering measures related to high interest rates.

From the announcement of a solution to forced labor through a third-party reimbursement method, to the timetable for visits to Japan and the United States, which were confirmed one after another.

[윤석열 / 대통령(지난 7일) : 한일 양국의 공동 이익과 미래 발전에 부합하는 방안을 모색해 온 결과입니다.]

Now that the first anniversary of the election has just passed, the public sentiment rating for President Yoon Seok-yeol is 34% positive and 58% negative.

President Yoon’s policy is to place the center of state administration for the time being on the reform of vested interests and cartels.

This is YTN Park So-jeong.

YTN Park So-jung ([email protected])

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