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From reconciliation to confrontation… Scenes that characterize Europe’s relations with Iran

IranThe first of which is the International Atomic Energy Agency’s disclosure of Iranian practices to accelerate the pace of uranium enrichment.

According to IAEA estimates, Iran has increased its stockpiles by 60% of pure fissile uranium to 62.3 kilograms, up from 55.6 kilograms, also indicating that exactly how much highly enriched uranium Iran possesses is unknown .

And published France Germany and the UK released a joint statement in recent days, describing Iran’s interpretation of IAEA safeguards issues as "Necessary and urgent".

For his part, said French President Emmanuel MacronOn Monday, he did not believe that any new proposals would help revive the nuclear deal with Iran in the foreseeable future, adding that "new framework" It will probably be needed to address the problem.

Macron said the current political situation in Iran has led to a rethink regarding the deal "Much" And"weaker" The possibility of reaching an agreement.

New sanctions

This was decided by the foreign ministers European Union On the 27th unanimously today, Monday, imposed new sanctions against Iranian officials and Iranian organizations. The new sanctions include 31 people and entities for violating human rights.

German Foreign Minister Analina Bierbock said new European sanctions against Iran would include targeted measures "inner circle" of the IRGC and its funding structures.

For his part, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanani strongly criticized French President Macron in his weekly press conference TehranAnd he said: "The Iranian nation stands with the opposition. It is a wrong and short-sighted policy".

Kanani was not satisfied with Macron’s statements and asked the French not to do it "Repeating bad experiences from the past" And"Do not create costs for yourself and for others".

The Belgian parliament has also asked"An international survey on the role of Iranian Revolutionary Guards in repressing the protests"calling on the European Union to take action against Revolutionary Guards.

The US special envoy for Iran, Robert Malley, also said so Washington "You won’t waste time" In an attempt to revive the nuclear deal with Iran, adding that it will be implemented "More penalties" on the Iranian regime.

In light of Iranian threats, US Central Command has announced that Central Command Commander General Michael Korella has conducted "important conversations" with leaders "All partner armies Middle East".

Two American B-52 bombers flew over the skies of the Middle East and the Persian Gulf.

On the other hand, the conflict with Iran has turned to international institutions Germany Iceland held a special session of the United Nations Human Rights Council to discuss the human rights situation in Iran.

Changes in Western Iranian relations

An expert on Iranian affairs, Mahmoud Jaber, says that there is a marked change in European and American policy with Iran, due to the presence of changes in relations between the two countries. Tehran The countries of the European Union and the United States of America are:

  • Tehran handed over Iranian marches to Russia, which were used in the Ukrainian war, which led to the anger of European Americans, and Iranian participation in the Ukrainian war was considered, which led to the invitation of Khaylo Podolak, adviser to the president Ukrainian Volodymyr Zelenskyto launch military strikes on drone production sites located in Iran.
  • Earlier, NATO Secretary General Jens said StoltenbergIran’s plans to supply Russia with weapons, including drones and ballistic missiles, in its war against Ukraine, are an order "unacceptable".
  • find traces uranium Three Iranian sites, and European requests to Tehran to provide an explanation on these effects, confirm that Tehran is eluding the international community on the matter nuclear dealand is still seeking access to nuclear weapons, which is a red line for the United States, European countries and Israel.
  • What happened in Israel, with the victory of former Prime Minister Benjamin’s coalition NetanyahuWith the Israeli elections, it constitutes an escalation process against Iran during the next phase.

The future of relationships

For his part, Hani Suleiman, executive director of the Arab Center for Research and Studies, told MEE "Sky News Arabia"relations between Iran and the West are going through a difficult phase and indications show that relations between Iran andEurope rapid deterioration, reflected in a crisis in relations, after years of appeasement rhetoric with Tehran during the administration of former US President Donald trumpAnd there was a European desire to save the nuclear deal.

"However, Iranian practices have led to a shift in the European position, particularly in the stance of Iranian negotiations on Tehran’s inability to show room to reach the nuclear deal, and Tehran’s insistence that the International Agency for atomic energy raise your hand from the Iranian nuclear dossier, which was reflected in European doubts about the Iranian position."according to"Sulaiman".

Hani Suleiman is expected "Have more Sanctions The European Union is against Iran, especially against the leaders and institutions of the Revolutionary Guards, and the German government has put forward the idea of ​​classifying the Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist organization."This puts more pressure on Tehran, especially in terms of economic conditions.


There are many variations in the European orientation against IranThe first of which is the International Atomic Energy Agency’s disclosure of Iranian practices to accelerate the pace of uranium enrichment.

According to IAEA estimates, Iran has increased its stockpiles by 60% of pure fissile uranium to 62.3 kilograms, up from 55.6 kilograms, also indicating that exactly how much highly enriched uranium Iran possesses is unknown .

And published France And in recent days Germany and the United Kingdom issued a joint statement, defining Iran’s interpretation of the International Atomic Energy Agency’s safeguarding issues as “necessary and urgent”.

For his part, said French President Emmanuel MacronOn Monday, he said he did not believe any new proposals would help revive the nuclear deal with Iran in the foreseeable future, adding that a “new framework” would likely be needed to address the issue.

Macron said the current political situation in Iran has changed the position on the deal “a lot” and “weakened” the possibility of reaching a deal.

New sanctions

This was decided by the foreign ministers European Union On the 27th unanimously today, Monday, imposed new sanctions against Iranian officials and Iranian organizations. The new sanctions include 31 people and entities for violating human rights.

German Foreign Minister Analina Baerbock said new European sanctions against Iran would include measures targeting the IRGC’s “inner circle” and financial structures.

For his part, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanani strongly criticized French President Macron in his weekly press conference TehranAnd he said, “The Iranian nation is on the side of the opposition… It’s a wrong and short-sighted policy.”

Kanani is not satisfied with Macron’s statements, and has asked the French not to “repeat the wrong experiences of the past” and “not to create costs for themselves and for others”.

The Belgian parliament has also called for “an international investigation into the role of Iranian Revolutionary Guards in cracking down on protests”, calling on the European Union to take action against it Revolutionary Guards.

The US special envoy for Iran, Robert Malley, also said so Washington It “will waste no time” in trying to relaunch the nuclear deal with Iran, adding that “more sanctions” will be applied to the Iranian regime.

In light of Iranian threats, the US Central Command announced that the commander of the Central Command, General Michael Korella, held “important talks” with the leaders of “all partner armies in Middle East“.

Two American B-52 bombers flew over the skies of the Middle East and the Persian Gulf.

On the other hand, the conflict with Iran has turned to international institutions Germany Iceland held a special session of the United Nations Human Rights Council to discuss the human rights situation in Iran.

Changes in Western Iranian relations

An expert on Iranian affairs, Mahmoud Jaber, says that there is a marked change in European and American policy with Iran, due to the presence of changes in relations between the two countries. Tehran The countries of the European Union and the United States of America are:

  • Tehran handed over Iranian marches to Russia, which were used in the Ukrainian war, which led to the anger of European Americans, and Iranian participation in the Ukrainian war was considered, which led to the invitation of Khaylo Podolak, adviser to the president Ukrainian Volodymyr Zelenskyto launch military strikes on drone production sites located in Iran.
  • Earlier, NATO Secretary General Jens said StoltenbergIran’s plans to supply Russia with weapons, including drones and ballistic missiles, in its war against Ukraine are “unacceptable”.
  • find traces uranium Three Iranian sites, and European requests to Tehran to provide an explanation on these effects, confirm that Tehran is eluding the international community on the matter nuclear dealand is still seeking access to nuclear weapons, which is a red line for the United States, European countries and Israel.
  • What happened in Israel, with the victory of former Prime Minister Benjamin’s coalition NetanyahuWith the Israeli elections, it constitutes an escalation process against Iran during the next phase.

The future of relationships

For his part, Hani Suleiman, executive director of the Arab Center for Research and Studies, told Sky News Arabia that relations between Iran and the West are going through a difficult phase, and indications show that relations between Iran andEurope rapid deterioration, reflected in a crisis in relations, after years of appeasement rhetoric with Tehran during the administration of former US President Donald trumpAnd there was a European desire to save the nuclear deal.

“However, Iranian practices have led to a shift in the European position, particularly in the stance of Iranian negotiations regarding Tehran’s failure to show room to reach the nuclear deal, and Tehran’s insistence that the International Agency for atomic energy removes its hand from Iran’s nuclear dossier, which was reflected in European doubts about Iran’s position.” According to Solomon.

Hani Suleiman expects: “There will be more Sanctions The European-American regime against Iran, especially against the leaders and institutions of the Revolutionary Guards, and the German government have put forward the idea of ​​classifying the Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist organization, which constitutes greater pressure on Tehran especially in terms of economic conditions.

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