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From petrol to highways, 2023 starts with price increases – Economy

Price increases in sight with the beginning of 2023, especially for motorists. The first increase is in fact that of the price of fuelswhich for nine months now has enjoyed the reduction in excise duties decided first by the Draghi government and then confirmed, in part, also by the Meloni executive. The orientation is to no longer extend the discount, leading to an automatic increase in the price lists starting from January 1st.

The cut was applied for the first time in March this year with the approval of the Ukraine bis decree. For both petrol and diesel, the reduction was a total of 30.5 cents, at least until December of this year, when with the Aiuti quater decree the cut was extended until the 31st of the month but reduced to 18.3 cents. In the meantime, prices have fallen, also reducing the extra revenue that had allowed the government to reduce excise duties (and consequently the VAT which is calculated in addition). Today, according to the latest weekly surveys by the Ministry of the Environment, the national average price of green fuel stands at 1.625 euros per litre, i.e. at its lowest since June 2021. Diesel has instead reached 1.689 euros, i.e. at its lowest since just under one year, precisely from 31 January 2022. In both cases at levels well below those achieved after the outbreak of war between Kiev and Moscow.

However, there are also motorway tolls at risk. At the beginning of each year the tariffs are traditionally updated, but for four years now, after the collapse of the Morandi Bridge, they have remained frozen. 2023 could see a return to increases, for the first time since 2018. The concessionaires have presented their requests for remodulation, currently being examined by the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of the Economy which will have to take into account the investments made. On the table are the economic-financial plans of the various companies which, as explained by Aiscat, are however “currently at different stages of approval”.

Tolls on motorways under the responsibility of Autostrade per l’Italia will increase by 2% from 1 January 2023, with another 1.34% added from 1 July 2023 alone. This was announced by a note from Mita, in which the deputy premier and minister of infrastructure Matteo Salvini explains that there was a risk of “an increase that came close to 5% which was avoided” and that in our country, the increases on the sections concerned are lower than inflation “. The stop to increases on the A24/A25 Rome-L’Aquila Teramo and Torano Pescara branch roads is also confirmed: the MIT, we read, is carrying out in-depth studies for a possible reduction.

On the front billsthe updates could instead be conflicting. For electricity, the Energy Authority has just announced a providential drop of more than 19% in the first quarter of the year, but for gas the trend could be the opposite. While awaiting the communication from Arera at the beginning of January, Nomisma estimates a monthly increase of 20% due to the trend in international prices at the beginning of December. The decline of the last few days, following the decision on the price ceiling adopted by Brussels, should in fact be implemented, according to the study center’s analysis, starting from February. Following the order of the Council of State on unilateral changes to contracts, the Milleproroghe decree has also clarified that changes will be possible during the renewal of supplies. After the block set by the Aiuti bis decree, for those with an expiring contract, increases in the costs of electricity and gas could therefore arrive, still blocked until June 2023 for all those who have an existing contract. The Council of State had expressed its opinion after Iren’s appeal against the precautionary measures of the Antitrust, today “partially” confirmed, suspending precisely the unilateral changes to the economic conditions not expiring.

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