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“From October we can start. And using graduality we will never go back”

“Three quarters of the vaccinable population are now immunized. And in the next few days I expect to see queues in hubs again. If my forecasts are correct, from October we could reopen more ». For Fabio Ciciliano, member of the CTS, medical director of the State Police, autumn must be looked at in the name of optimism.

So is the extension of the green pass the winning weapon?

“I expect a peak of vaccinations and the no vaxes have dulled weapons: they damage them against the reduced number of hospitalizations, intensive care and the percentage of deaths.”

But in hospitals, doctors still have to endure the nightmare of the virus.

«In the wards they are almost all unvaccinated and I hope they are less and less, because they steal beds from those suffering from other diseases. After all, the patients fall into the groups still refractory to the vaccine ».

If Italy is doing so well, why not think about increasing the capacity of cinemas and theaters?

«By September 30, the CTS will express an opinion on the distancing measures and the capacity for recreational activities but also for sporting events. And the times could be ripe ».

And will we go to 100% capacity?

“No, there will be a gradualness. We will progress until the final filling, but then we will never go back ».

But if the spectators have the green pass and the mask, could not the times be accelerated?

“We need caution: these are closed environments and an unstable population, they are strangers who breathe side by side for hours”.

But in churches there is no longer the limit of capacity. And the choirs are sung …

“It’s true, but the volume problem has been solved and safety procedures have been established for the singers, and the doors can also be kept open.”

Why this September 30th deadline?

«We must first record the increase in infections after school openings and assess their health impact. Within two weeks we will understand what will happen. If the system withstands the impact of millions of people in circulation, even on public transport, then it will be possible to rethink the capacities ».

In schools, even the vaccinated must undergo a seven-day quarantine. Isn’t it punitive?

“No, classmates are close contacts and unfortunately the percentage of vaccinated is not so high as to be able to eliminate the quarantine: we must reach at least 85%”.

So will we still see distance learning?

“No, if the regions adopt unique strategies to similar epidemiological situations. In the past, faced with similar outbreaks, some regions have closed the classes, in others entire institutes, in still others all the schools in the area ».

This Minister Bianchi excluded him.

«Even Azzolina had excluded him».

But now there is Draghi premier …

“Not even he can change the fifth title of the Constitution on regional autonomy.”

We are at the third dose for the elderly and immunosuppressed. And the children?

«It will be necessary to vaccinate from 5 to 12 years as soon as possible. It will be inevitable in a country where there is close contact between grandchildren and grandparents. And then even among the smallest there were 28 deaths ».

Is the mandatory vaccination still a bugbear that hovers over Italians?

«I think the green pass is sufficient. But if the numbers of the unvaccinated do not decrease or increase the contagions out of all proportion, it would be the inevitable tool for archiving Covid “.

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