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From Monday three regions in the white zone, Lombardy from June 14th. Here’s what changes

Copyright 2020 Nicola Saccani, all rights reserved

In fact, the progressive openings established for the yellow zone in June and July are anticipated: game rooms, betting rooms, bingo, casino, but also theme and amusement parks, cultural, social and recreational centers, post-ceremony parties, and discos

The white areas are back, after the experiment in March (perhaps premature, given the return to the red area just three weeks later) of Sardinia. From Monday three Regions will end up in the range with fewer restrictions, almost an appetizer of normality. They are Sardinia itself, Molise and Friuli Venezia Giulia. The only ones, so far, to fall within the expected parameters, that is a weekly incidence of less than 50 cases per hundred thousand inhabitants, low risk and minimum hospital rates, all for three consecutive weeks. According to yesterday’s monitoring, from which the relative ordinances of Minister Speranza, Sardinia has a weekly incidence of 13 cases per hundred thousand (and 13% of intensive care units employed, well below the 30% risk threshold), Molise of 12 cases (and 10% of intensive care), Friuli of 17 (And just 5% of intensive care).

The rest of Italy remains yellow, but not for long. Four other regions have had white numbers, but only for two weeks in a row: they will be “promoted” from Monday 7 June. They are Abruzzo (incidence of 35 cases per hundred thousand), Liguria (28), Veneto (30) and Umbria (28), which have already fallen below 50 for two weeks. will remain constant, to which last Friday’s monitoring assigned an incidence below the risk threshold for the first week: Lazio (46 cases per hundred thousand), Lombardy (46), Piedmont (49), Emilia Romagna (45), Province of Trento (45) and Puglia, which is assigned a 50 but will probably still be considered below the threshold. At the national level, the incidence has fallen below 50, below which, according to the experts of the Ministry of Health and the Higher Institute of Health, it is possible to resume effective tracing, abandoning most of the containment measures: to date the national incidence is at 47, a given last seen on 10 October 2020, over 7 months ago. At the peak of the second wave in November, it had shot up to over 410.

But what can be done in the white zone? In fact, the progressive openings established for the yellow zone in June and July are anticipated: game rooms, betting rooms, bingo, casino, but also theme and amusement parks, cultural, social and recreational centers, post-ceremony parties, and discos ( where for the moment you can eat but not dance). No curfew: to remember that we are still in the Covid era, only the mandatory masks and the distancing will remain, which the governors can guarantee and regulate even with specific ordinances.

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