Home » today » Health » From May 9 to 13, the sanitary trailers will be in Trancas – Ministry of Public Health of Tucumán

From May 9 to 13, the sanitary trailers will be in Trancas – Ministry of Public Health of Tucumán

The Ministry of Public Health, in charge of Dr. Luis Medina Ruiz, will bring the trailers of Women, Pregnant Women and Children and Vaccination to the main square of the place next week to provide consultations, counseling and preventive studies to the population of the area, every day from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

On the occasion, the leader of the Provincial Breast Cancer Program and head of the Women’s Trailer, Dr. Estela Esquivel, said that this mobile will offer mammograms, HPV tests, Pap smears and breast ultrasounds. The latter will be aimed at women in the risk group, between 40 and 70 years old, and those who have had a history of breast cancer and are not included in the risk age group. The main objective of all this is to emphasize the prevention of breast and cervical cancer.

All patients must come with their ID. If the mammography is going to be performed, powders, creams or deodorants should not be applied, since these are impregnated in the skin and in the image they can be seen as micro calcifications, which can confuse the professional at the time of diagnosis.

Thanks to the presence of these operations in different parts of the province, the head of the Provincial Breast Cancer Program assured that, so far this year, they have carried out 2,837 mammograms and 105 cancers have already been detected as a result of the preventive studies that women can practice.

At the same time, the referent expressed: ¨The whole family can get closer because in addition to the specifics of each trailer, there will be dental, ophthalmological, cardiological care and Covid immunization to start, complete schemes and reinforcements; and the vaccines of the National Vaccination Calendar will also be available for those who require them¨.

On the other hand, Esquivel announced that Siprosa’s non-communicable disease programs will be present in Trancas, such as Diabetes, Hypertension, among others: ¨I think it is an important opportunity after the pandemic for the population to go back to check-ups and preventive studies¨.

And he closed: ¨It will be an important health week because children, mothers and fathers and the elderly will be able to be controlled¨.

Another of the trailers that will be present in the place is that of the Pregnant Woman and the Child, whose main objective is to accompany the National Program of the 1,000 Days, with special attention to the mother-child binomial. This program is born from a national law for the comprehensive care of pregnant women and children in their early childhood, up to three years of life.

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