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From ‘little hands’ to sabotage: the 5Stelle vice of blaming the buck

From the family, to the school, to the economic maneuver, the 5 Star Movement it is never responsible for obstacles and failures, but a victim of sabotage and persecution. Or at least that’s what the grillini want you to believe. And the last to shout at the “sabotage“was the Minister of Education, Lucia Azzolina.

In an interview with Republic, in fact, the pentastellata has made it clear that it has been forced to fight to reopen the schools in September, after the closure caused by the emergency situation linked to the new coronavirus. In the newspaper, the minister announced that schools will reopen, despite “a sabotage by those who do not want them to leave“. And points the finger at the unions, because”it is not a mystery that the unions are against the competition with selective evidence: they would like to stabilize the precarious, placing them in the role for titles only“. A month ago, even the prime minister, Giuseppe Conte had talked about”unacceptable blackmail by the union that threatens to paralyze school recovery“.

But it is not the first time that the 5 Stars have clung to sabotage. Last year also Luigi Di Maio he had felt in the crosshairs and the non-approval of the decree Family at the Council of Ministers on May 20, 2019 it was attributed to a boycott. “In these hours- Di Maio had written a few days earlier about Facebooksomeone is trying to sabotage the decree that we have prepared together with the Families Forum just to create problems for myself and the 5 Star MovementAccording to Grillino, in fact, the success of a measure of the Movement could have been hindered, given the proximity of the European elections.

I can overlook everything. Really above all else. You can get angry about something and you can argue. We can be…

Published by Luigi Di Maio its Friday 17th May 2019

Then, however, Giovanni Tria’s perplexities weighed on the provision, underlining: “The covers have not yet been identified. We don’t know what this billion is. If you will spend less than budgeted for the citizenship income, you will know at the end of the year and not now. It is also clear that these expenses cannot be carried over to the following year “.

Doubts of maneuvers and sabotage had also emerged two years ago, on the economic maneuver. The undersecretary to the Prime Minister, Giancarlo Giorgetti had addressed harsh words to the pentastellati angry for the 10 billion missing for the citizenship income. And on the other hand, the 5 Stars had repeated the same old story: “He’s sabotaging us, we need to calm down “.

The “little hand“was also waved for the Dignity decree in 2018, when the shocking figure of 80 thousand less permanent contracts came with the approval of the provision. A number “without any validity”, which had immediately unleashed the grillini in search of the “saboteur”. Same strategy also with the fiscal decree, of which the pentastellati had disavowed the draft, accusing others of having intervened. Presumed plots had sprung up one after another also in 2017, first on road safety measures, then on the cutting of powers at Anac, claiming that it was “it is useless to look for the hand that took away the procurement powers from the Anac. The hand is from the Democratic Party. Allergic to anticorruption“.

For the 5 Stars, being a blame game seems like a mania that comes from afar. Already Beppe Grillo, in 2012, shouted al plot: “The daily rite of hatred on the part of professional aisers towards me, towards the members of the 5 Star Movement and my collaborators is becoming loud, unbearable, indecent“, he wrote on his blog, claiming that “the purpose is, of course, to create monsters to be killed to maintain the status quo“.

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