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“From like to hell”: a young woman narrates the terrible nightmare she lived with the man she met on Facebook | International | News

A 25-year-old woman in Colombia suffered a nightmare that lasted for about a month. She met a man through Facebook who ended up making her his slave. The dramatic case began in mid-December 2022.

The woman, whom El Tiempo identifies as Lorena*, a 25-year-old Food Engineering student, moved from Neiva (Huila) to Bogotá at the invitation of José Antonio Barba Riaño, a 34-year-old bank employee.

The relationship had been born on Facebook, for which reason the aforementioned medium points out: “A like It was enough to start this story that, in a matter of days, turned into hell.”

She had agreed to enjoy the holidays with Barba. “Until that moment,” she recalled, “no man had ever treated me so kindly. he (beard) it was very cute”.

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subjected to blows

The man confirmed prosecution, received it in Bogotá on December 21, the day of the arrival of the Spirit of Christmas. He took her to an address in the Las Cruces neighborhood, in the town of Santa Fe.

The first days passed normally. But, one weekend everything changed in the blink of an eye.

Lorraine said to Time that one weekend “they went to buy food for dinner and she didn’t know what to buy, she wasn’t even good at cooking”. “So, he got hystericalHe told me that I was humiliating him, that I was useless, an imbecile.

When I got home, he hit me in the face for the first time.

The beatings became a constant. He “went out into the street with glasses (lenses) so that his wounds would go unnoticed.”

When Christmas night arrived, he said, they both had dinner at the house “because the young woman’s wounds already made her face and body unrecognizable.” He used to call her “love” and within seconds he would proceed to hit her again.

Sometimes, “he himself treated her injuries, bought her medicine to heal her and then returned to torture her on open wounds.”

The hell that this 25-year-old woman went through was extremely painful: “I had my lips destroyed, bit my legs and arms and hurt me in the abdomen. Many times I had difficulty breathing and I slept with my mouth open”.

The slave

In addition to beatings, there were about 18 days of threats. Lorena had to be there for him and that’s why she prepared his lunch, washed his clothes, woke him up at the time he asked and had to have even his toothbrush ready. reported the aforementioned Colombian media.

Barbe restricted the use of her social networks and cut off communication with her relatives. She went so far as to tell him that she would see her family “when they stabilize… in about 3 years.”

get out of hell

On January 18, the woman was presented with a golden opportunity to escape from that house of torture.

He said that he followed the man’s “mind games”. “The night before I got his uniform ready and I got him up at 5:50 in the morning.”

That day “he hit her because she woke him up five minutes latehey, then again he fell asleep until 6:10 in the morning. That day he told her that he was going to give her a fist for every minute that he was late”. “There were 25. I was unrecognizable”.

The blows were enough. Not one more was willing to receive. She left the home looking for help.

After a failed attempt at a Christian church, she described that she went to a police station, where she was helped. According to Lorraine, they incapacitated her for 45 daysgiven his injuries to his head, face, legs, arms, and ribs.

I was completely trampled

Barba, the analyst of a bank in Bogotá, is in the hands of Justice. The newspaper Time He points out that investigators from the Prosecutor’s Office detained him and presented him before a guarantee control judge and charged him with the crime of attempted femicide.

The one designated as abusive “did not accept the charge and must comply with the measure of custodial confinement in a prison.”

Lorena asks women if they have suffered what she experienced, to report it. “Nobody deserves to be tortured like they did to me.”.

Name changed at the request of the victim to the newspaper El Tiempo


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