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From Lehman to Wirecard – investment scandals and protection of investors

From the Lehman bankruptcy to the Wirecard scandal – investors have lost a lot of money on the capital market in recent years. The reasons are different: The 2008 financial crisis had catastrophic effects on many investments, many funds went under as a result and with them a large part of the investor money that was involved in risky investment transactions through incorrect advice. Time and again, however, there were also tangible scandals in which investors were deprived of their money with fraudulent intent and a high level of criminal energy. Wirecard sends its regards.

The cases and methods vary, and the result is often the same – investors have lost a ton of money. “Then it is necessary to save what can still be saved by asserting claims for damages and other legal measures,” says lawyer Dr. Walter Späth.

As a specialist lawyer for banking and capital markets, Dr. Late, what he’s talking about. He has been familiar with cases in capital market law for almost two decades. He knows the plight of the desperate victims, who have put a lot of hope in their financial investment and who end up in financial shambles. Attorney Dr. Späth is about protecting these victims and is therefore consistently active in investor protection. In numerous legal proceedings against banks and other defendants, Dr. Späth and his team brought back money that was believed to be lost for their clients.

Dangers in the gray capital market

Dr. Späth knows the dangers that await investors. Black sheep on the so-called gray capital market pursue one goal above all: to deprive the investor of his money. The vehicles they use for this are different and range from junk property to bonds and stock manipulation, gold savings plans, ICOs, CFDs to the machinations around Wirecard.

From his practice, Dr. Late that investors often only react when the child has already fallen into the well. There are often indications of dubious financial products and fraudulent investments beforehand. In his book “Caution, money gone! – Lazy investments, investment fraud and financial crises “ summarizes Dr. Späth brings together a lot of facts about dubious investments and gives investors tips on how to protect themselves from “lazy” investments.

The dangers and risks associated with investments

The author draws an arc from the bankruptcy of the Lehman Brothers to so-called pyramid schemes and fraudulent investment products to gold investments such as the BWF Foundation. He devotes a chapter to the Wirecard scandal, probably the largest investor scandal in German post-war history. He also sheds light on the role of the auditor and the financial services regulator BaFin.

He also points out the dangers of increasing digitization, also with currencies and investment products. Cryptocurrencies and ICOs also offer the possibility of investment fraud, because a comprehensive sales prospectus is often not required with a correctly designed token. This also means that investor protection quickly falls by the wayside.

After all, digitalization means that internet access to international financial markets is no problem either. Here Dr. Late on the high risks with CFDs – Contracts for Difference.

The specialist lawyer for banking and capital market law shows in an informative and entertaining way the existing dangers of the gray capital market and explains which risks and dangers await investors in the future and which options they have to protect themselves from fraudsters and dubious investments.

The book “Caution, money gone!” Has been published by Cherry Media Verlag and is available in bookshops or on Amazon.

Softcover: 978-3-96583-456-9

Hardcover: 978-3-96583-457-6

E-Book: 978-3-96583-458-3

More information: https://www.dr-spaeth.com/allgemein/unser-buch-fuer-sie/

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