Home » today » Entertainment » From June 21, Romanians will be able to travel to Spain without a vaccine and without a test – News by sources

From June 21, Romanians will be able to travel to Spain without a vaccine and without a test – News by sources

Spain removed Romania from the category of states at risk of infection. Romanians arriving in Spain by plane no longer have to present the certificate attesting to the complete vaccination, negative PCR or antigen test or the post-COVID-19 recovery certificate.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs states that the Spanish authorities have revised the conditions for entry into Spain for persons arriving from Romania.

The new measures will apply from 21 June 2021.

Thus, starting with June 21, 2021, as a result of the decision of the Spanish authorities, Romania is no longer in the category of states at risk of infection.

Thus, citizens arriving from Romania to Spain by air no longer have to present at the entry into Spain the following documents, previously established: certificate attesting complete vaccination against COVID-19, negative PCR or antigen test or post-COVID recovery certificate- 19. The updated list can be consulted by accessing the website: https://www.mscbs.gob.es/profesionales/saludPublica/ccayes/alertasActual/nCov/spth.htm.

At the same time, the MFA states that the obligation remains valid for all persons traveling to Spain, by air or sea, to complete, before making the trip, a health status form, through the Spain Travel Health (SpTH) application or the website www.spth.gob.es

If the passenger is a minor or a dependent, the form can be completed by the guardian, who will be responsible for the veracity of the information provided. After completing the form, a unique QR health code will be generated, which will have to be presented (digitally or on paper) at the health check performed at the airport / port of destination. If the form is signed from the application, it will appear in the “My trip” section, and the user will also receive a printable email.

Romanian citizens can request consular assistance at the telephone number of the Romanian Embassy in Madrid + 34 / 917.344.004, the calls being redirected to the Contact and Support Center of Romanian Citizens Abroad and taken over by the Call Center operators on a permanent basis. Also, Romanian citizens who face special situations of an emergency nature (eg: deaths, accidents with victims, situations of danger, calamities or of an extraordinary nature) have at their disposal the emergency telephone number of the Consular Section: + 34 / 669.362 .202.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs recommends consulting the websites http://www.mae.ro/node/51930 and http://madrid.mae.ro, thorough information prior to travel abroad, as well as strict compliance with the measures applicable in the context Covid pandemic 19.

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