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From hospital to university. At Two Point Hospital nave Two Point Campus

Two Point Campus

| photo: Microsoft


The Two Point Campus strategy has not yet been officially announced. She appeared on the Microsoft Store site to disappear again in a matter of minutes. Fans did not hesitate and did not have any data preserved.

At Two Point Hospital, we poured, for example, patients with a straight head, and even Two Point Campus doesn’t take it so high. Instead of classic Fridays, let’s come across fields such as engraving wheels and drooling gastronomy, in which you can cook for example a huge pizza.

Two Point Campus

Two Point Campus

Two Point Campus

The basics of the game work in the same way: we will hire staff (professors, researchers …), build our own university bit by bit, including thoroughly decorated with the help of benches, fountains and the like.

Get to know your students, explore their individual personalities, needs and needs. Keep them happy with clubs, clubs and concerts. Surround them with friends, help them develop relationships, and provide them with the first two joy of life, so that they can develop into incredible individuals who will be proud of the legacy of their university, annotated.

The game will come out on PC and Xbox, let’s see how the put platforms will be confirmed. Then we’ll find out more at the latest during the E3 game world, which starts on June 12th. And after the fantastic Two Point Hospitalu it’s really dark.


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