How and why Francine Barbier, a former hairdresser, became an image, communication and personal development coach? Passing through Martinique, the Guadeloupean specializing in network marketing, opened up about her atypical journey.
Optimizing one’s potential, releasing blockages, gaining confidence, cultivating self-esteem, so many goals that many hope to achieve. The coaching activity in terms of personal development is also booming.
Taking advantage of this enthusiasm, Francine Barbier, of Guadeloupe origin, decided to get into the field, after spending 12 years in hairdressing and make-up salons, among others. Now a specialist in network marketing, she explains the journey of her retraining at the microphone of Daniel Bétis.
Francine Barbier, image, communication and personal development coach
On the strength of this experience and after several training courses, Francine Barbier claims to be able to better understand the aspirations of others, in order to improve their well-being and promote their emotional, physical, spiritual, mental and societal well-being.
Coach Barbier intends to further deepen her new activities, particularly in the West Indies, hence her arrival in Martinique. She also has writing projects.
Francine Barbier image, communication and personal development coach
2023-08-13 23:08:23
#Passing #Martinique #Guadeloupean #Francine #Barbier #exhairdresser #talks #atypical #career #Martinique #1ère