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From generation to generation. School Song Festival Closing Concerts Through the Ages

There is no doubt that the closing concerts are the most emotional events at the School Youth Song and Dance Festival for both the participants and the audience. They are usually attended not only by a large choir, which is often supported by spectators, but also by brass bands and dancers. Remembering the closing concerts, the most vivid memories are related to the end of the concerts, the moment when we had to say goodbye to the conducted and rather disciplined choir, and the fun chaos began. These moments were characterized by the joyful throwing of wreaths, the singing of songs outside the repertoire, as well as the magical wave of the young crowd, which was often forbidden to make on the basis of the fragility of the stage design. I very much hope that young people and schoolchildren, schoolchildren and schoolgirls will be able to wave as much as they want on the new Mežaparks stage.

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Closing concert of the school youth song and dance festival “My land – the land beautiful”

Photo: LETA, Lita Krone

Looking at the closing concert archive of the LTV School Youth Song and Dance Festival, I came to the conclusion that the real feat seems to be that it has been possible to mobilize high school, but most importantly, primary school children several times for a three-hour, still, continuous performance. The most beautiful, in my opinion, are the portraits of singers that we find on the screen. Not only one family member was waiting for them – mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather all over Latvia. If the dancers fought for the titles of the best ensembles and the opportunity to dance closer to the Latvian Television cameras with a big, never-ending smile on their lips, then the choirs did not seem to have it. It also shows shy, happy, fun little singing faces, some pretend not to see them being filmed, others don’t know how to react, still others enjoy the glory of that second, stepping up their diligence, living or looking directly at the camera. These unforced, sometimes unnoticed moments remind us that these concerts are not only a program, a set of songs, but also each individual singer who participated in it with his voice and presence.

The 1988 Riga Festival of General Education School Song Festival shows a rapid approach to independence. In the press, writing about the closing concert of this year’s Song Festival, it is emphasized that the festival is taking place to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of Soviet power in Latvia. Nevertheless, Latvian folk songs are especially popular in the repertoire of the closing concert, for example, “Beautiful Songs of a Sister Singing” conducted by Arvīds Platper. Great applause also for the composition “Wreath of Midsummer Songs”, conducted by Paul Kvelde. Along with folk songs, the press also highlights the joy of the participants, singing the songs of Imants Kalniņš, among them “Road to Home” (“Milk Road”).

In 1989, the closing concert of the VI Soviet Latvian School Youth Song and Dance Festival took place. The concert was opened by the Latvian anthem “God bless Latvia!” led by the chief conductor of the festival Leonid Wigner. It should be noted that the song titles are no longer translated into Russian, as was the case a year ago at the Riga area general school song festival concert. The chief conductors are dressed in the color of the Latvian flag – dark red, and the national flag flies on the Mežaparks stage.

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VI Soviet Latvian School Youth Song and Dance Festival Concert on Mežaparks Grand Stage. Riga, February 1-2, 1989 July

Photo: Māris Bērsons. Latvian National Archives Latvian State Archive of Film and Photophono Documents, 1 f., 135668N l.

In an interview with the Latvian Radio show “Festive Chest”, conductor Arvīds Platpers toldthat extensive changes were made to the program of this concert six months before the concert, as political events in Latvia developed rapidly. In January, at the meeting of the Artistic Council, the repertoire of songs of the closing concert was changed, which, according to the concert director Miervald Mozer, no longer corresponded to the spirit of that time. Songs were offered again: “God bless Latvia!” (Baumaņu Kārlis), “Not by laziness and blowing” (Jurjānu Andrejs), “Road to Home” (Imants Kalniņš), “Sun, Thunder, Daugava” (Mārtiņš Brauns), “Good evening, Latvia!” (Jānis Lūsēns), “Call the brothers a song together” (Raimonds Pauls) and “Latvian land is open” (Zigmars Liepiņš).

This festival could have been one of the most emotional in the history of the School Youth Song and Dance Festival. Arvīds Platpers also remembered them. The concert features several new compositions that especially sing Latvia, Latvian national identity and freedom. Wind orchestras and dance ensembles also enrich it with their performances.

The closing concert of 1995 was the first closing concert of the School Youth Song and Dance Festival in independent Latvia. In his memories, Chief Conductor Arvīds Platpers noted, that for the first time this concert was attended by more than 30,000 participants, as choirs and dancers were also joined by brass bands, folklore groups, country chapels and kokletas. After the performance of the Latvian national anthem, the participants of the festival were addressed by President Guntis Ulmanis, who said: “A folk song is a confirmation that Latvia is and will be forever.” The President also emphasized that the youth of Latvia is the greatest wealth of Latvia, as well as praised the organizers of the festival for their great contribution to their creation.

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VII Latvian School Youth Song and Dance Festival closing concert on Mežaparks Grand Stage. In the foreground chief conductor Arvīds Platpers (from left) and composer Zigmars Liepiņš. Riga, July 2, 1995

Photo: Author unknown. Latvian National Archives Latvian State Archive of Film and Photophono Documents, 1 f., 14800N l.

The concert is also significant in that the chief conductors Jānis Dūmiņš, Jānis Zirnis, Jānis Sprancmanis, Terēze Broka, Jānis Brants stood in front of the students. Several songs performed this year later also traveled to the General Song Festival, for example, Mārtiņš Brauns ‘”Love is Like Fire” and Raimonds Pauls’ song “You Are” composed especially for the closing concert. For the first time this year, the song “On the Bank of the Daugava” composed by Ilze Arne will also be performed. There is also a special place for folk song arrangements. The conductor Jānis Sprancmanis, who climbs the conductor’s stand with special energy, and the conductor Jānis Dūmiņš, who masterfully leads the large choir of young people, are very much loved in this concert.

An important role in the concert is played by wind orchestras, whose rhythmic rhythms of music delighted both singers and the audience and danced dancers. In the second part of the concert, even watching the recording, one can feel a great upliftment – the singers praise the dancers and wind orchestras. At the end of the concert, several rock and popular music songs are performed in Latvian and other languages, moving away from national motifs.

The closing concert of the VIII VIII School Youth Song and Dance Festival consisted of four parts. The first sounded Latvian original music compositions, then Latvian folk songs, the third part was dedicated to various world songs, and the fourth sounded the musical legend of Māra Zālīte and Zigmars Liepiņš about digging the Daugava.

In this closing concert, the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga gave her speech, quoting lines of folk songs and congratulating the participants, organizers and guests of the festival. The President concluded by saying: “You are our future, you are the hope of our people. We are all happy and proud that you are so beautiful, so smart, so talented, so good children. We all love you very much, we we are proud of you. Grow big for Latvia, love your people and your land. May you do well! “

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Photo: Anda Krauze / from Arvīds Platper’s private collection

The cornerstone of this festival is the more than twenty-minute cycle of folk songs “Give, Gods, Climb the Mountain”, during which various soloists and dancers sing. It is conducted by Eduards Grāvītis, who is welcomed by the applause of the singers. The complex cycle of folk songs was sung without interruption. Also in this concert there is a place for a gorgeous and loud performance of wind orchestras.

The cycle of songs of the peoples of the world, which includes folk songs of both Lithuanian and American, Australian, German, Russian and Italian, confirms the establishment of Latvia’s international ties with a view to the West, which are typical of the two thousand years.

Thanks to the soloists, the cycle of Māra Zālīte and Zigmars Liepiņš also caused special dedication and a clear sound in the choirs. It is interesting to see how responsive the large choir is and how the sound changes when singing popular songs or singing with popular soloists. The conductor’s energy also plays a role. And, of course, as the end of each concert approaches, emotions and dedication rise.

The closing concert of the IX School Youth Song and Dance Festival in 2005 “Time in the River I” was a dedication to all the previous eight closing concerts of the school youth song and dance festival. The main motive of this year’s festive event was the knot. Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga, dressed in folk costume, also gave a speech at this concert. The President said: “I want to tell you that I, as President, love you all so much that I would like to embrace and cherish each of you.”

The basic idea of ​​the first part of the concert was a journey into history, playing songs performed at various ancient song festivals. The song of the first concert was Andrejs Jurjāns’ cantata “Tēvijai”, which premiered at the third song festival in 1888. Scenographic / choreographic solutions were also important this year – the singers had a set of five handkerchiefs that had to be lifted to create different colored shapes in the choir.

The premiere of Jānis Lūsēns ‘song cycle “Missed Call” with Inese Zandere’ s lyrics was experienced. The third part of the concert consisted of a cycle of Latvian folk songs “Laika upē es es” arranged by Valdis Zilvers. The 2004 song cycle “Return of Light” by Uldis Marhilēvičs and Guntars Račs was performed with the participation of various popular soloists. Among them – Ance Krauze, Zigfrīds Muktupāvels, Mārtiņš Freimanis. The concert was closed by “Vivat Latvija” composed by Raimonds Pauls, “Milky Way” and “Blow, winds!” By Imants Kalniņš.

In July 2010, the X School Youth Song and Dance Festival took place, and in their glorious closing concert “My Land, Land is Beautiful” emphasis was placed on songs reflecting Latvian identity and history – “Castle of Light”, “Talava Trumpeter”, “Not Lazy and blowing “. It also featured several new works by Imants Kalniņš with the words of Broņislava Martuževa and compositions composed by Ilze Arne, music composed by Raimonds Pauls, as well as arrangements of folk songs. The main motif of the concert was Latvian river circles, which bring together the voices of young people and children from all regions.

In the closing part of the concert, the choirs were especially encouraged by performing the composition of Uldis Marhilēvičs and Guntars Račs with the solo “Imagine” by Aija Andrejeva and Mika Dukurs, as well as the composition “My Song”, which has become the “anthem” of the students’ song festival since 2005.

In 2015, the 11th School Youth Song and Dance Festival took place, their closing concert “In My Song – You” was attended by 12,500 choirs, 500 dancers, 900 wind orchestra musicians, and 800 folklore group members.

In addition to folk song arrangements, compositions and new works about Latvia and the usual song festival repertoire, the concert also featured popular music songs with great respect among the singers themselves, such as Jānis Aišpurs and the group “The Sound Poets” “Over the Mountains” or Uldis Marhilevič “Just so.”

Looking at the closing concert of the School Youth Song and Dance Festival available on LTV, it seems that singing songs or folk songs by Latvian composers is a part of our national identity ritual. Although each of the concerts features cycles or songs composed especially for them, compositions that travel from concert to concert, from decade to decade, are of great importance. “Not lazy and blowing”, “I stood singing”, “Sun, thunder, Daugava”, “Milky Way”, “Castle of Light” are part of this cultural material. These songs form a link between different generations and people of different regions of Latvia. Singing one common song under the direction of a conductor in a millennial choir is a unique experience, and it starts for any musical person at the School Youth Song and Dance Festival.

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