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From France to Germany, from Belgium to Spain: the “second lockdowns” to defend against Covid

France You can only go out to work (if it is not possible from home), to buy basic necessities, for medical assistance or for exercise one hour a day. All non-essential shops, restaurants and bars are closed (with the exception of take-away), but schools and kindergartens remain open. Social contacts prohibited.

Germany They close cinemas, theaters, gyms, swimming pools, as well as restaurants and bars, even here the exception is takeaway food. Social contacts limited to two families with a maximum of 10 people. Overnight stays in hotels for leisure purposes prohibited and all non-essential travel strongly discouraged. Schools and kindergartens open. Shops and hairdressers open. Religious functions and processions allowed.

Ireland – I work from home wherever possible. Indoor meetings not allowed, people can meet outdoors with another family. Non-essential shops closed, schools and kindergartens open.

Belgium – Closure of “non-essential” activities and obligation of teleworking for companies where possible. Curfew at 10pm. Obligation to wear a mask in all places outside the home and at work. Closed gyms, swimming pools and cultural and recreational facilities. Also bars and restaurants. No public events or parties.

Netherlands – Bars, restaurants and cafes can only serve take-out. All shops, apart from supermarkets, must close by 8pm. People are advised to stay at home and work from home as much as possible. Obligation to mask out. Schools, gyms and open swimming pools.

Austria – Restaurants, hotels, cinemas and theaters close, stop weddings and curfews from 8pm to 6am. Schools remain open, as well as shops and hairdressers.

Greece – In the red zone, which also includes Athens and Thessaloniki, night curfew and closure for a month of bars, restaurants, gyms, theaters, cinemas. Schools, hotels, hairdressers and retail shops remain open. Movement between regions allowed.

Portugal – From November 4, Portugal returns to a partial lockdown that will affect 70% of its population. This was announced by the prime minister of Lisbon, Antonio Costa, at the end of an extraordinary council of ministers dedicated to the health crisis. “The time has come when it is necessary to take more restrictive measures to have control over this pandemic.

Czech Republic – First country to impose strict confinement after spring. From 5 October bars, restaurants, schools, non-essential shops are closed, at least until 3 November. You cannot go out except for work, essential family visits, exercise, purchase of food or medicine.

Spain – There is a state of emergency, but there is no lockdown regime (the only major country together with Italy, for now). Curfew from 11pm to 6am except for the Canary Islands. Public and private meetings limited to 6 people who do not live together. Regional leaders can change the curfew time and can close their borders.

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