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From Fennel Soup to Spaghetti with Tomato Butter: Enjoy These 5 Flavorful Recipes Without Breaking the Bank!

High food prices have caused inflation to rise slightly again in the past month. And it is indeed true that you pay a lot more in the supermarket than a year ago. But that doesn’t mean every tasty dish has to cost you an arm and a leg. Our HLN chefs serve 5 recipes that together cost less than 24 euros. Extremely tasty!

Monday: bottomless taco pie from Sandra Bekkari

Tacotaart zonder bodem van Sandra Bekkari © Wout Hendrickx

Sandra: “Although it’s usually taco Tuesday or Thursday, this week we’re going for bottomless tacos on Monday. By omitting the carbohydrates, this becomes a nice light and simple dish to prepare after a long day at work.”

Preparation time: 50 minutes on the table
Price: € 8.25 pp

Ingredients for 2 people

250 g rundsgehakt
70 g cheddar cheese
½ cup coriander powder
½ tsp cumin powder
pinch of cinnamon
½ rode ui
3 spring onions
1 small can of corn
1 red pointed pepper
1 tomato
5 olives
3 sprigs of coriander (or basil)
1-2 mini romaine lettuce heads
1 tsp apple cider vinegar
200 g Greek yogurt
1 lime

That’s how you make it

Preheat the oven to 185°C.

Mix the ground beef with coriander powder, cumin powder, cinnamon and salt and pepper. Grease a round baking dish (diameter 16-18 cm) with olive oil.

Press the ground beef into the baking dish. Top with the cheddar and place in the oven for 15 minutes or until the mince is cooked through and the cheese is light golden brown.

Meanwhile, make the salad. Peel and finely chop the red onion. Cut the spring onions into fine rings. Deseed the bell pepper and tomato and cut into fine cubes. Cut the olives into fine pieces. Chop the coriander coarsely.

Mix the onion, spring onion, corn, bell pepper, tomato, olives, coriander, apple cider vinegar and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Season with salt and pepper.

Cut the romaine lettuce into fine strips.

Grate the zest of the lime until you have 1 teaspoon. Mix the Greek yogurt with the lime zest, a dash of lime juice and salt and pepper.

Top the baked minced beef with the Greek yoghurt, the romaine lettuce and the salad. Serve immediately.

Tip: Don’t feel like meat? Then you can also make tasty tacos with mushrooms and bake them in delicious herbs.

Tuesday: fennel soup with plaice strips from Piet Huysentruyt

Fennel soup with plaice strips
Fennel soup with plaice strips © Lot Van Riel

Piet: “This fennel soup is a perfect transitional dish between winter and spring. On the one hand it has the freshness of spring, on the other hand the warmth of the melted cheese. Delicious combination that fits perfectly with the changing seasons!”

Preparation time: 60 minutes
Price: € 5.29 pp

Ingredients for 4 people

2 fennel bulbs
1 leek white
1 potato
1 onion
40 grams of butter
2 l water
2 tbsp fish stock
1 dl room
1 tomato
10 the first mozzarella
1 tbsp Italian seasoning
2 large or 4 small plaice fillets
4 slices of bread

That’s how you make it

Cut the vegetables, onion, white part of the leek, potato and fennel bulbs into coarse pieces. Stew everything in the butter for five minutes. Then moisten with water and fish broth. Let it all come to a boil and then continue to cook the soup on a low heat.

Peel and seed the tomatoes and cut them into cubes of 1 cm by 1 cm.

After 30 minutes, mix the soup with a hand blender until smooth and season with salt and pepper. Add the cream.

Meanwhile, cut the slices of bread into rounds of about 8 cm and toast them. Top with mozzarella and sprinkle with the Italian herbs.

Cut the plaice fillets into 2 cm thick strips. Poach the strips in the soup at the end, this should only take about a minute, otherwise the plaice can fall apart, and you don’t want that.

Arrange the chopped tomato cubes in a deep plate and ladle the soup over it. Serve with the mozzarella toast. Finally, decorate with some fennel tufts that you have kept aside.

Tip: Not in the mood for plaice? Then you can also prepare this soup with toast with another type of fish. A fillet of North Sea sole is tasty, but a lot more expensive than plaice. Salmon also fits nicely in this recipe, although you have to be careful not to poach the fish for too long, just like with plaice. With salmon, one minute is also more than enough.

Wednesday: sweet potato waffles from Sandra Bekkari

Sweet potato waffles from Sandra Bekkari
Sweet potato waffles from Sandra Bekkari © Dorothy Dubois

Sandra: “These wafers are perfect for lunch or as a healthy snack! Combine them with hummus, goat cheese or a fried egg for a savory version or with peanut butter, maple syrup or a red fruit coulis if you prefer it a little sweeter.”

Preparation time: 20 minutes
Price: € 2.60 pp

Ingredients for 14 wafers

250 g sweet potato (1 large)
200 g buckwheat flour (or oatmeal)
200 ml amandeldrink
4 eggs
½ tbsp (gluten-free) baking powder
½ el honing
1 tbsp coconut oil (or peanut oil) + extra to grease waffle iron

That’s how you make it

Peel and cut the sweet potato into pieces.

Mix the sweet potato in the blender with the buckwheat flour, the almond drink, the eggs, the baking powder, the oil, the honey and a pinch of salt.

Heat the waffle iron, grease it and bake the waffles.

Tip: You can keep the wafers cool for 2 to 3 days or longer in the freezer.

Thursday: chicken fillet with curry risotto from PIet Huysentruyt

Chicken breast with curry risotto from PIet Huysentruyt
Chicken breast with curry risotto from PIet Huysentruyt © Lot Van Riel

Piet: “The big question everyone asks me about risotto: can you stir it or not? First and foremost, a risotto must cook gently. In any case, boiling hard is out of the question. And if you follow this recipe, any risotto from now on will be a success. Especially with this delicious curry flavor. Tasty!”

Preparation time: 45 minutes
Price: €4.34 pp

Ingredients for 4 people

2 chicken breasts (large)
2 tbsp curry powder
1 tbsp chicken broth
40 grams of butter
1 cup risotto rice
6 dl water
1 shallot
2 stalks of green celery
1 apple, Jonagold
2 tomatoes
2 tbsp tarragon, finely chopped
4 tbsp Parmesan cheese, grated

That’s how you make it

Cut the green celery into cubes of about ½ cm by ½ cm. Do the same for the apple. Peel the shallot and chop finely.

Stew the shallot, celery and apple in a non-stick pan, in 20 g butter, for 2 minutes. Then add the risotto rice to the pan and sprinkle with some curry powder.

Meanwhile, put water on and let it boil. Add the chicken stock to this.

Moisten the rice with the stock until it is completely submerged. Let it simmer on a gentle fire. Add a little extra broth every 3 to 4 minutes, until the rice is fully cooked. Be sure to check the packaging to see how long that takes for that specific risotto rice, which depends on the brand you bought.

Peel and seed the tomatoes. Cut into cubes and add to the pan with rice.

Cut the remaining 20 g of butter into cubes and add to the risotto while stirring, along with the Parmesan cheese and tarragon.

Cut the chicken breasts into 3 cm cubes. Season them and fry them nicely brown in butter. Sprinkle with extra curry powder. Put them on a skewer stick to make a chicken skewer. Serve with the risotto.

Tip: Of course you can also leave the butter out of the dish if you want to keep it healthier and you can add extra vegetables. Always read the packaging carefully for the risotto rice, because there are many different types that also require different cooking times. This way you will not be faced with unpleasant surprises.

Friday: spaghetti with tomato butter from Jelle Beeckman

Spaghetti with tomato butter
Spaghetti with tomato butter © Bram Debaenst

Jelle: “Things that, according to my girlfriend, are done quickly, but always take a long time: put the laundry basket upstairs, put my bowl directly in the dishwasher after breakfast and raise the toilet seat. Things that I think are ready quickly and are actually ready really quickly: this delicious spaghetti with tomato butter. Greasy, but nice.”

Duration: 15 minutes
Price: €3.20 pp

Ingredients for 2 people

60 g unsalted farm butter
300 g cherry tomatoes
1 large clove finely chopped garlic
60 g grated parmesan cheese
pepper and salt
few sprigs of finely chopped chives
½ tsp chilli flakes
220 g spaghetti (dikke)

That’s how you make it

Put a pot filled with water on the fire. Season with salt – about 10 g per 3 liters of water – and cook the spaghetti. Meanwhile, make the sauce.

Cut the cherry tomatoes into fine cubes. Season with salt and pepper and then chop them extra finely with a large knife until you have a fine tomato pulp.

Melt the butter in a large pan and let it brown slightly. Add the garlic and then the finely chopped tomatoes. Let it cook for 3 minutes on a medium heat.

Add half a ladle of the pasta water to the tomatoes. Drain the spaghetti and add to the pan of the tomatoes. Stir everything well together and add some finely grated Parmesan cheese. Season with the chili flakes as desired and finish with finely chopped chives.

Tip: Pimp this delicious sauce with some olives and finish with arugula to have some more vegetables on your plate.

Every day you will find a new recipe on HLN Food.

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