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From dollarcentrism of the Davos World Economic Forum to the dedollarization of the Valdai Club – PublicoGT

Alfredo Jalife-Rahme


n the “post-Ukraine phase (https://bit.ly/3Q9Fldm)”, President Putin explained, at the 20th annual meeting of the Valdai Club, that behind the operation in Ukraine there is a hint of construction of a new world order multipolar in nature (https://bit.ly/48FZAq9).

During such a meeting, Jeffrey Sachs, an economist at Columbia University, asserted that “the era of the dollar-dominated international financial system is coming to an end and this will happen in the next decade (https://bit.ly/3tn5DzM)”. In his opinion, the US abused the privileges of the dollar as the preferred currency for global trade and central bank reserves: One of the privileges was the ability to borrow at low interest rates. This maintained a very efficient international payments system, but the US abused this system, especially in the last 15 years.. Explayó that I has become dependent on the use of the financial system to achieve geopolitical objectives.

The gradual decline of the US is reflected in world production: Today it is only responsible for 15 percent when after World War II it was 30 percent.which, in my opinion, will increase with the irresistible rise of the 11-BRICS that now boasts a GDP (measured in its purchasing parity), after the Johannesburg Tectonic Summit, of 37 percent compared to 29.2 percent of the ailing G -7 about to enter stagflation (the worst mixture: stagnation with inflation) plus a severe debt crisis.

In the midst of deglobalization and regionalisms of the nearshoring type, the German globalist fanatic Klaus Schwab – with pretensions of a postmodern Zeus at 85 years old –, boss of the World Economic Forum (WEF), and ally of the mega-speculator with philanthropic mask (sic), the Khazarian (https://amzn.to/2MR0PfM) George Soros, hallucinated in the “post-Ukraine phase (httpns://bit.ly/46C0zpl)” that the “world will no longer be governed by superpowers like the US […]It will be governed by allied shareholders (stakeholders), such as BlackRock and Bill Gates.” Neither more nor less than the world government of the Khazarian-Anglo-Saxon plutocracy (https://bit.ly/3RRcR9g)!

In the post-Ukraine phasethe fracture of the US biosphere against the G-2 of Russia and China becomes more established (https://bit.ly/3NnaoQg) and I don’t see how the Schwab/Soros WEF can impose its world government on the Anglosphere, let alone Westwhen ungovernability and civil revolt spread in the G-7.

For 52 years, with its emergence in 1971, in unison with the decoupling of the dollar with the gold-standard by Nixon, the WEF has been a beacon and forum of neoliberal globalization and, since the dissolution of the USSR, of dollarcentrism.

The problem is that Britain, one of the superlative allies of the WEF world government – the great reset (https://bit.ly/3KoMoey), the pernicious Agenda 2030 and pharmacological control/vaccines by GAVI (https://bit.ly/3F8cfV8)–, made a dramatic reversal with his geopoliticized agenda verd when his first Rishi Sunak humiliatingly returned to hydrocarbon exploitation in the North Sea (https://bit.ly/3tr4bfS).

In reality, neoliberal plutocratic globalization and its dollarcentrism destroyed the old topographical dichotomy of the 17th and 18th centuries (British Parliament and French Assembly) of Left Rightwhen the left transvestite –in search of cannibal power more than the defense of its inalienable principles– turned globalist and adopted the canons and cannons of the WEF and its plutocratic world government, which I discussed in Nationalism vs. Globalism: 21st Century Dichotomy Before AI (https://bit.ly/46irEyl).

Today Alexander Dugin, President Putin’s ideologue, has adopted the same dichotomy for the 21st century: “There are only two parties worldwide, globalists of the great reset and anti-globalists of the great awakening (https://bit.ly/3PMVWlv)”.

Dugin failed to add that the antiglobalists They are sovereignists/nationalists with a universal horizon.

The Conference

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