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From COREVIH to CoReSS, a new approach to sexual health

The decree of July 3, 2024 relating to the coordination of sexual health results from collaborative work between the central administrations involved (Directorate General of Health (DGS), Directorate General of Care Offering (DGOS)), the Regional Health Agencies (ARS) and the National Interface Group of Coordinating Committees for the fight against HIV and sexually transmitted infections (GIN COREVIH).

The GIN COREVIH is a place for consultation and monitoring of policies defined at the national level in their regional variations. It includes representatives of the presidents, vice-presidents and staff of COREVIH (clinical study technicians and coordinators), ARS, free information, screening and diagnosis centers for immunodeficiency virus infections. human, viral hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections (CeGIDD), associations (AIDES, Sidaction, Médecins du monde), the French Society for the Fight against AIDS (SFLS), Public Health France (SpF) and the base French hospital data on HIV (FHDH).

The French Hospital Federation (FHF) was also consulted on the draft decree.

For its application, this decree requires the publication of an order providing for the terms of operation and appointment of members of the CoReSS (Regional Sexual Health Coordination Committees) and setting out their specifications. A working group will be responsible for developing these specifications. It is made up of the DGS, the DGOS, several ARS, members of the GIN COREVIH and also other institutional and associative sexual health stakeholders involved in the field of STIs including HIV, reproductive health excluding abortion ( access to contraception, etc.) and the fight against sexual violence and sexual disorders.

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