Home » today » World » From Core Strength to Most Dangerous Weakness: The United States Has Done the Incredible – 2024-08-16 16:45:43

From Core Strength to Most Dangerous Weakness: The United States Has Done the Incredible – 2024-08-16 16:45:43

/ world today news/ We have before us a relatively rare case of recognition by an American (with the interesting last name Vinokur) from the University of Virginia of an obvious fact: the entire foreign policy of the country is based on the realities of the past world. That is, in fact, it is built on absolutely nothing, because – see above – this world no longer exists.

It is about the publication of the above-mentioned Vinokur in “Foreign Affairs”, which says what we here in Russia are already tired of repeating: for about 80 years, the entire policy of the United States has been based on the idea of ​​mandatory dominance of the country in the economy, politics, in the technological and military spheres. The Cold War became “a straitjacket preventing America from understanding the world.” All this prevents the foreign policy community from looking for a new strategy for the country. When diplomats or publicists look for inspiration for today’s actions, they go back to the Cold War era, to its characters and situations. And this does not give anything, it only slows it down, because the world has long been completely different.

Here we will touch on a topic that is still extremely hot in Russia: the second half of the 1980s Moscow offered the USA exactly what it still lacks – a new way of thinking. That is, it gives them the opportunity to see the world from a completely different angle. It still seems to some that the new thinking is either foolishness or treason. But, first, it’s not our fault that Americans couldn’t think in a new way. And secondly, the question arises: why couldn’t they?

And here, among the answers like “and then they decided that we do it out of weakness”, another one arises – and a very simple one: something with the brain. A book about brains was recently published in the US. About how the Cold War era shaped not only the thinking of the political class—the era shaped the science of the human brain. And this science began to brainwash the same Americans.

We are talking about Andreas Killen’s thick edition “Nervous Systems. The Science of the Brain at the Beginning of the Cold War”. Killen – a historian of science (he has such a profession) – studies how branches of knowledge were born and developed. It tells stories from the 1950s. For example, this: the son of the top American spy, Allen Dulles, suffers from hallucinations after participating in the Korean War, and so Dulles starts a secret program to study the brain from his professional, specific angle.

In fact, according to Killen, it turns out that the entire current science of how a person’s head is arranged and how he thinks was born or received a powerful breakthrough in the 1950s, and since then has been powered only by the insights of that era. Why so: because it is a time of furious competition between two systems in space, nuclear physics (that is, in the creation of the atomic bomb) – and in the science of the brain.

That is, the scientific achievements of the United States at that time, simply put, were built on the fear that the Soviets were conducting secret programs to affect the human brain and psyche, so you have to shovel money into exactly the same programs. And the book describes how it all works: LSD, electrical brain stimulation, sensory deprivation, mezcal, hypnosis. Because “the communists did all this and tried it on American prisoners” (in Korea and Vietnam). Let’s not forget the purely physical impact on the brain, right down to a long lobotomy needle. Overall, they made an impact. To yourself.

But today the world is different and the horror stories are different, the place of “brainwashing” is taken by viruses. Possible US presidential candidate Robert Kennedy is speaking, saying something along the lines of how the coronavirus doesn’t get the Chinese for some reason. And that viruses are being developed that act differently on different ethnic groups. The thing is, Kennedy did hear a ring, and a distinct one at that. A few days ago, the Russian Ministry of Defense published documents and named people in Ukraine who tried to hide information about working with pathogens of dangerous infections and testing drugs on the population of Ukraine as part of American biological programs. Will science – and now virology as well – take the same leap of fear now as brain science did in the 1950s?

Yet what prevents the entire US foreign policy community from seeing the world not as it was during the Cold War, but as it is? Have they been brainwashed generation after generation, or have they been infected with an ethnically targeted virus? Or were both operating at the same time? Science is faced with the challenge of unraveling this mystery.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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