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from collaborative behavior to the renunciation of witnesses, the lawyer’s moves

More than five hours in front of professional judges and a popular jury, between long silences, stammering, sentences filled with “that is”, “I think that”, “in a certain sense”, “I don’t know”, and only occasionally concluded. The examination of <a href="https://www.world-today-news.com/tragic-disappearance-of-giulia-cecchettin-and-filippo-turetta-the-disturbing-details/" title="Tragic Disappearance of Giulia Cecchettin and Filippo Turetta: The Disturbing Details”>Filippo Turetta showed at the Court of Assizes of Venice a person in great difficulty; a boy at the mercy of a real obsession with Giulia Cecchettinmatured in the context of a relationship based on a sick sense of possession and jealousy (“She was my first and only girlfriend”); of an anger that he was unable to control and which led him, on 11 November last year, to kill the person with whom more than anyone else he would have wanted to share his life, unable to accept the decision with which the girl had decided to end their relationship and not see each other again. Faced with a crime reconstructed down to the smallest detail by the Carabinieri, coordinated by prosecutor Andrea Petroni, and a responsibility confessed right from the first interrogation by the twenty-two year old from Torreglia (then confirmed through a long memorial filed with the Court last Wednesday and, finally, yesterday in the courtroom ), the lawyer from Padua relied on the only viable path: to bring out the collaborative procedural behavior of his client, so as to be able to hope for the granting of generic mitigating circumstances to balance the aggravating circumstances and hope to be able to avoid life imprisonment.


This explains the decision to renounce all witnesses, allowing the acquisition of the complete investigation file (a sort of abbreviated procedure without discounting a third) and speeding up the process. And yesterday’s confession, in the courtroom, made by a defendant (who defines himself as “shy and introverted”), who appeared confused, always with his head down, struggling to fully express an articulated thought. But, right from the start, willing to admit everything. The interrogation starts with a reference to the memorial, and Turetta explains that he began writing it in prison last February, and then implemented and updated it: 81 pages, partly handwritten, partly typed. Then the prosecutor focuses on the list that Turetta admits to having compiled on Tuesday 7 November 2023, four days before killing Giulia. «I had thought of kidnapping her and subsequently taking her life», declares Filippo, validating in one fell swoop the hypothesis of voluntary homicide and premeditation. Even if he later specifies that that thought “was not definitive” until the end.


The young man remembers having argued with Giulia: «I was angry, I felt resentful: I let off steam by writing that list». And he confirmed that in the following days he had implemented numerous of the resolutions listed in that list: subscribing to a VPN network to surf the Internet without being identified; the withdrawal of 200 euros from the ATM, the first and only one made since the beginning of the year; the information searched online to understand how a car can avoid being tracked; the purchase of bags and a road map of Italy. Nonetheless, Turetta declared that he remained undecided about what to do until, on the evening of November 11, 2023, he arrived by car in Vigonovo to bring Giulia home after the evening spent together. In the parking lot, before the ex got out of the car, he gave her a little monkey. It was the refusal of that gift that triggered the thought in Turetta that “that would have been the right moment to kidnap her”. Between silence and stammering, there was also a hint of emotion and a few tears. At the end of the hearing, Turetta also explained why he never apologized. «I would like to but I think it’s ridiculous given the grave injustice I committed. Simple apologies are not something acceptable, I should just disappear.”


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