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From Charybdis to Scylla: the hospital during crises

For several months, the calendar of crises affecting the public hospital has been constantly changing. In April 2019, we published, with Frédéric Pierru, a book analyzing the mechanisms behind the creation of an “organizational and management crisis” in the public hospital and its effects. While we were considering the avenues of communion between yellow vests and white coats around the defense of access to public services, one of the most important social movements in the history of the public hospital was engaged. In May 2019, the Collectif Inter-Urgences (CIU) was set up, structuring the strike of caregivers of the emergency services of several Parisian public hospitals, then Ile-de-France around three demands: hiring, an end to the closure of hospital beds. conventional hospitalization and an increase of 300 euros net per month. At first minimized by the Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn and treated with contempt, this strike, started by the emergency services of five hospitals of the Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP), has gradually spread to more than 260 emergency services at the height of the movement, in September 2019.
Coupling the indefinite strike of a growing number of emergency services with strong actions and numerous interventions in the media, the CIU caregivers gave the impression of an unstoppable “emergency crisis”. The start of the 2019 school year marked the amplification of mobilization and the emergence of new players …

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