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From blow to blow – PublicoGT

Mario Rodriguez Acosta

Listening to prosecutor Curruchiche invoking the law as an instrument to stop the Seed Movement, for a moment I felt that I was listening to the sermons of the genocidal Ríos Montt at war time.

But when seeing the prosecutor Cinthia Monterroso, in a display of force and brutality, raid the facilities of the Citizens’ Registry of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, one realizes that the counterinsurgency policy was never abandoned and that the presence of police from the leadership intelligence officer with his face covered with a balaclava is just one more sign that the de facto power will continue to rule this country. It is the fascist dictatorship that claims its power and refuses to lose control of the State.

What they are doing now is not a traditional military intervention, with generals ready to shoot people who are protesting. But of course it is an institutional, illegal and violent coup. It is also a shameless and sinister action to redirect, reorient and consolidate the cooptation of the country, with the clear and manifest intention of appointing Manuel Conde as president.

With the suspension of the Semilla party, the popular will is practically being ignored and the electoral law itself is being disrespected. In fact, the supposed democracy and the supposed rule of law are not only violated, but also citizens’ rights are suspended, subject to the decisions of a judge who only responds to the dictates of judicial hitmen.

And those who were encouraged in planning are the ones who de facto lead the justice sector. And logic says that behind everything is fundaterror, which represents the most radical wing of the fascist right in the country. But military intelligence, a part of the business elites, the most reactionary and linked to corruption, also participate directly, with the support of the shepherds of corruption and the corrupt political class. At the head of this effort is Giammattei himself.

The counting of votes did not work for them and neither did the injunctions against the process. So the last cartridge they have left is a blow to the very institutionality of the country.

For this reason, the TSE magistrates claimed ignorance when questioned about the flagrant violation of the electoral law. Judge Orellana, who in an abuse of authority and under threat, gives the registry of citizens 24 hours to annul Semilla’s legal status, is the same one who acted against José Rubén Zamora and Francisco Sandoval.

At this juncture, if all goes well for these crusaders, Manuel Conde will be imposed as president and they only have to get Guatemalans to accept him. If a popular mobilization that demands and achieves the resignation of Consuelo Porras and Alejandro Giammattei does not occur before then, the coup will be consummated.

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