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From Avignon to Nice, online jackpots to support the family of police officer Eric Masson

Some minutes of silence say more than long speeches. The one respected by the Riviera police on Tuesday, especially in and in front of the Auvare barracks in Nice, illustrates the emotion of a whole profession after the death of Brigadier Eric Masson.

This 36-year-old policeman was shot dead in the historic heart of Avignon, while he was intervening on a deal point, on May 5. Since then, a surge of solidarity has crossed the police family, also affecting civil society. Several Leetchi jackpots are intended for his partner and their children, aged 5 and 7. Thursday afternoon, 1,750 contributors had already brought more than 62,000 euros to the main pot, launched by the colleagues of Eric Masson. Money pot: Eric Masson Police Avignon – Leetchi.com.

“It is an act of solidarity for the family, so that they can be free from material worries, justifies the creator of the pot, who wishes to remain discreet. We must think about the future of these two children , both of whose parents were working. So that they could study. “ Give to help. Give to support, too. “I know it touches them”, confides this policeman by evoking the family of Eric Masson. Give to show empathy, sometimes. This is reflected in many of the messages he receives.

“Wholeheartedly with you”

“My heart is bleeding.” “A lot of emotion and respect for the police.” “With all my heart with you. I don’t know how you cope.” These words do not always come from close to the police. Proof that “the population likes its police, contrary to what one tends to underline”, deducts the creator from the pot.

Similar initiatives have been launched. That of the Jean-Jaurès Foundation has already brought together 900 donors.

At local level, the prize pool launched by Sandra Bertin reflects a shared emotion. “It’s a personal initiative. I was so touched by this tragedy …”, specifies this mother from Nice, director of the municipal police of Nice. “Municipal police, national police: once you are in the field, the thugs do not make the difference …

“Some colleagues draw parallels with situations they know in the field”, confirms Police Commander Bernard Mascarelli, head of the Nice Regional Training Center. But this new drama comes into play “in a context”, at the time of the “Beauvau of security”.

“Under the uniform, there is a husband, a father”

This police force so often criticized, so often abused, no longer hesitates to say its “fed up”. She had to manage the attacks, the demonstrations of “yellow vests”, the Covid controls. Here she is now in mourning, in quick succession, by the terrorist attack on a police officer in Rambouillet, then the murder of Eric Masson at the turn of a banal control.

“Today, when a cop gets shot, we say that it is the Republic that is affected. It’s true, but we minimize the human side, regrets Sandra Bertin. Under these uniforms, you have a dad, a mom, a child, a brother, a sister … It’s a life that is being taken away. “ This is why everyone, at their own level, invites to help those close to Eric Masson.

Sandra Bertin is in contact with Orpheopolis, an association which supports orphans of police officers. She hopes for a merger of the different jackpots. Ultimately, all will benefit the same cause. Eric Masson’s colleague reminds us: “Small rivers form great rivers.”

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