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From Addiction to Redemption: A Journey of Struggle and Courage

«JI thought and was convinced that I was stronger than drugs. I used to tell all my friends, you’ll see, when I want to quit, I’ll quit all of a sudden. No drug can defeat me”. Amine was wrong all along the line. He overestimated the strength of his mind and his ability to deal with addictions.

After just a month of crack, he no longer had any will or any form of resistance to this substance, which was both terrible and dangerous, even deadly. Not a day goes by without Amine consuming his dose, which increases over time. The body gets used to it and asks for more drugs, always more. And now the trap closes on him who sinks. He plunges bound hand and foot into the crack. And his days are cracking everywhere, just like his body which shows deep flaws and scars he inflicted on himself in moments of “absence”. And to clarify: “I no longer know where I am or who I am or what I do. I forget everything and I feel a great frustration because of these absences. The other day, I violently pushed my father. But I don’t remember.” His father repeats that his son was possessed, in a dangerous state: “I was afraid for him and of him. It’s awful to be afraid of your own child, ”confesses this 52-year-old man, who wonders where he missed the turn for his son to fall so low and become a “monster”.

Amine only thinks about his doses. The family, the father who no longer knows which saint to devote himself to, school, the future… All of this leaves him unmoved or he becomes inflamed. He literally blows a fuse and starts screaming and banging his fist against the wall.

This is the daily life of a kid who vacillates between second thoughts and uncontrolled rage. When he is angry, he is capable of the worst. He’s the one who says it: “I don’t know what I’m capable of, but if I hurt my father, I can hurt everyone,” he says, scared of his own words. . However, Amine was a nice boy. He spent his time having fun with his friends, he played football, he had good grades at school and had to go to Canada after his baccalaureate. But everything changed the day he fell in love with a girl. Everything changed from one day to the next. Amine had changed his habit and no longer wanted to go to class. He spent all his time in the medina with his girlfriend. From one café to another, from one terrace to another, from one hand to the other, crack enters the scene and completes the dreams of this kid who did not see the blow coming . A test, a first shot, and it’s done. Four years of perdition and horror follow. Amine even almost ended up in prison for theft. The troubles are piling up and the parents are disarmed.

It took another hassle with the police for Amine to land in a psychiatric hospital. A police inspector took pity on this boy and decided to act. We find a place for him, we take care of him, we go to his bedside, we listen to him, we talk to him, we encourage him, we give him a framework and he applies himself. But it takes time, a long time to get rid of these harmful and dangerous substances. A whole year of follow-up and care. A whole year of struggle and courage for a child who almost crossed the point of no return. A year to smile again, to ask forgiveness from his parents before returning to his room, at home, with his family, with the firm desire to make up for lost time.

By Abdelhak Najib

2023-08-08 00:55:33
#drugs #Amine #Story #Courage

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