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From 2023, Côte-d’Or owners will no longer be able to rent their “energy strainers”

The fight against energy sieves is becoming concrete: from January 2023 in Côte-d’Or and everywhere in France, the most poorly insulated housing will no longer be accepted for rental without insulation work beforehand. Interview with Jean Perrin, President of the UNPI.

Jean Perrin, you chair the National Union of Property Owners. Explain to us concretely what will happen from January 2023.

Jean Perrin: There is a measure that we could already consider as existing. It is the non-revaluation of the current rents for the energy sieves, therefore the classes G in the DPE (energy diagnostics).

And so from January 2023, you won’t even be able to rent your accommodation without doing any work.

It will be prohibited for renting and this is where there may be a small problem. Today, to renovate housing, owners encounter some difficulties. They have to find the financing and even with the “Ma Prime Rénov” scheme, it’s quite complicated. And besides, the town planning assistant of the City of Dijon seized the prefect recently by telling him that it is necessary to simplify, it is too complicated: the file to be assembled, the proofs to be brought, the invoices.

Today when an owner decides to do work, he advances the costs and then puts together a file to be reimbursed?

This has been improved, now you have to apply for the bonus before starting the work, the money can be paid earlier, but there are not possible delays that are taken. And so, the second difficulty is that the craftsmen are overwhelmed. And today, to have a craftsman, to do the work, it’s not easy. And when you have a craftsman, he tells you he doesn’t have the materials. For example to have a heat pump, there are deadlines not possible for a certain number of materials. There are long deadlines, therefore worksites that are stopped because the deadlines for supplying materials are long.

But in the meantime, there are tenants paying pretty impressive energy bills in these thermal strainers. What do we do for them?

Speaker 2: There are tenants, there are owners, because there are also those who live. They have the same problem. So already today, we can do some small work that improves, for example, electronic control systems. And then, we can also perhaps, for certain tenants and life, by occupying more than tenants, be vigilant about how we consume energy.

So what is your position, are you against this law?

What the owners say is yes, we will do it, because we are aware of the ecological transition. I push for the owners to take into account this global warming which is watching everyone and to act. Except I’m saying we can’t act that fast.

Let us be very specific about your demands, you are asking to postpone these new measures, but for how long then?

I think it would take a year off.

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