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From 1 September the Revenue Agency no longer accepts this payment

From 1 September the Revenue Agency no longer accepts this payment.
Paying taxes and duties is never pleasant. And when paying the Treasury forces us to fulfill new obligations, it becomes even more annoying. To be forced to double the bureaucracy is just too much. In this regard, the report of a reader has arrived in the editorial office and in this article we want to tell what happened.

On January 27, the Revenue Agency issued a measure relating to the payment of certain taxes. On February 20, it introduced further changes for the same requirements. Resolution 9 / E in fact provides for new tax codes and a new model for these payments. From 2 March 2020, taxes for deeds between individuals must be paid via F24. Until 31 August 2020, the tax authorities accepted these payments both through the F24 and with the old F23 model. But from 1 September the Revenue Agency no longer accepts this payment.

Acts between individuals

The Agency has changed the payment methods for deeds between private individuals, that is preliminary sales and loan agreements. The modification started in full lockdown and did not have adequate prominence. In addition, the grace period expired on the first of September, the day when many activities resume.

In the first days of September, our Reader had to register a loan agreement. After purchasing the necessary stamps, she went to the bank to make the payment. Unfortunately for her, with the F23 form filled in by her accountant. Once the payment was made at the counter, the Reader went to the Revenue Agency to register the contract. Here, the inflexible employees of the tax authorities denied the registration to the lady.

On the other hand, the grace period had expired for about a week and the Circular is clear. Too bad, however, that no one knew.

From 1 September the Revenue Agency no longer accepts this payment

In fact, the bank and the accountant had no idea of ​​the change ordered by the Revenue Agency. Even less could someone who is not in the trade know. But from 1 September the Revenue Agency no longer accepts this payment. The reader therefore had to fill in a new form, go back to the bank and arrange for compliance. In great hurry, too, since in this period the tax offices open very few hours a week. With this article, the editorial team therefore intends to inform readers to avoid new misadventures. From 1 September, all payments relating to deeds between individuals must be made using the ordinary F24 form. Obviously, no one disputes the decision of the AdE, nor even its inflexible application. We believe it is only very useful to give the news to the taxpayers so that the payment of taxes does not become a nightmare to tell. In this regard, we recommend reading a recent one deepening on upcoming tax news.

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