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Fritz Studli and his opinion on community mergers


Gartenhag – instead of regional thinking

The retired journalist Fritz Studli worries about why communities don’t want to grow together.

That’s the way: signposts to the makeshift parish hall in Oberbüren.

Image: PD

Fritz Studli does not like to stay in office buildings. As a teenager he had a formative experience. He had to trot into Niederuzwil’s parish hall, which was also where the police station was located. The village policeman, beefy and active wrestler, read him the riot act because of a triviality. Later stays, for example in the tax office, also did little to improve Studli’s well-being. Since then he has avoided office buildings that are being refurbished everywhere.

For example in Oberbüren, where the community employees have temporarily found shelter in the multi-purpose building. But not only in the thrifty area on the Thur, also in Jonschwil the topic is becoming more topical. On almost every occasion, the local head of the community criticizes what he believes is untenable conditions in the administration building. A structural change in the Chäfergemeinde is likely to be imminent soon.

Also in the distant pine cone region, more precisely in Münchwilen, the parish hall was recently renovated. Among other things, windows are leaking, was one of the reasons for this structural measure. It quickly gets too warm in offices. At the beginning of May this year, 27 degrees are said to have been measured. “How hot does it have to be if there is still work to be done?” Asks “Tagblatt” columnist Lü, not without sarcasm.

The parish hall cost 19 million francs

“The administration has to be there for the citizens and not the other way around,” thinks Studli. Politics is administered in Uzwils parish hall on Lindenstrasse. It cost over 19 million francs. Architects have given the project the title “A House for a Century”. Eight years ago, the draft moved people’s hearts. “Too expensive and oversized and in the wrong place,” was the criticism.

In the end, the Uzwilers agreed to the loan, albeit narrowly. “Meeting house templates have a hard time, they have no lobby,” said the mayor. The official smug has now subsided and the ambience has become more customer-friendly. Uzwils executive also considered an expansion for regional solutions for the new building. A merger, according to the assessment at the time, would, however, not be realistic in the next few years.

This assessment has come true. Politicians like to proclaim regional cooperation in Sunday speeches. But the reality is different. Each municipality looks primarily for itself: Gartenhag – instead of regional thinking.

The region is growing together, but the administrations are not

The region is growing together. Uzwil and Oberuzwil are closely interwoven. Studli finds it difficult to explain to visitors from outside why the communities on the Uze have not come together long ago. A corresponding working paper was quickly put back in the drawer years ago.

Anyone who makes a merger an issue, above all, creates enemies on the embankment. Studli had to experience that firsthand. Community associations have advantages here. The greatest gains lie in spatial planning, in the reorganization of schools and administration, and in the dynamism that such a step could trigger.

Oberuzwil wants to remain independent. This is documented in the fact that the parish hall is not only to be renovated, but also an extension is to be built. There is not a word in the report about any regional solutions. A cooperation with the big neighbor does not play a role in Oberuzwil’s legislature goals either. And so, what belongs together must not continue to grow together.

Fritz Studli is a retired journalist and occasionally comments on local events in Uzwil.

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