Home » today » Entertainment » Friends, Rudy Zerbi crashes hard to Anna Pettinelli and Arisa “you are two …” what’s behind these quarrels – Baritalia News

Friends, Rudy Zerbi crashes hard to Anna Pettinelli and Arisa “you are two …” what’s behind these quarrels – Baritalia News

Friends, this year is really very contentious and the teachers are not afraid to destabilize their students with all these quarrels between them and they just can’t get along. For dance there is Celentano teacher who quarrels very often with Lorella Cuccarini, for singing there are Rudy Zerbi, Anna Pettinelli and Arisa who don’t stop arguing.

Rudy against Anna Pettinelli and Arisa

Rudy Zerbi always repeats in each episode that the other two teachers, Anna Pettinelli and Arisa they are too good with the students and this does not help the children at all.

Rudy he said: “… Goodism that I find really cloying and that is characterizing a part of the program”

And then, after the proposed Rudy to make a ranking of three boys and the last one must be excluded, Arianna was very agitated and then the De Filippi who said: “The proposal was valid only for Leonardo, you refer to your teachers “but Arianna he countered: “Yes, I know, but the situation weighs”.

At that point he intervened Rudy who told her: “He had to weigh you when you weren’t studying, when instead of going to work you were at home. It should have weighed you then, not now ”.

E Arianna: “I’ve faced and overcome three challenges so I don’t think I’ve done so much shit.”

After she performed, Arisa he commented: “This girl fascinates me, excites me, there are reasons why sometimes she sleeps a little more and is more tired than the others and therefore I want to accompany her in this dream”.

Ma Zerby very tough countered: “I would not give her back the sweatshirt also because she made a mediocre performance”.

Ma Arisa: “When you say we can’t teach singing, speak for yourself because I can teach singing and I can understand the power of a voice.”

E Rudy: “We are not here to be vocal coaches… With this do-goodness not knowing the harm you are doing to these guys … I’m tired of this do-goodness as if the suffragettes of sweatshirts existed when there are people out there who certainly deserve more. I think it is my duty to say that if Leonardo is last in this ranking I will eliminate him because they are feel-good and I would like them to do the same thing with Arianna and Evandro too. If Leonardo is next to last, I will consider another solution because I do not want to convey the message of being the only one who understands ”.

What’s behind the quarrels between professors

On the quarrels between professors to Amici intervened Alessandro Cecchi Paone what he said: “The comparison between the two makes a show and therefore it works. In addition, it re-proposes a pedagogical dispute as old as the world: is it better to educate by encouraging or devaluing students? … I believe that this is an asset for the program ”.

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