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Friends Forever, 9 Sweet Portraits of Familiarity Thalia Onsu and Keith

The closeness between Betrand Peto Putra Onsu, Thalia Putri Onsu, and Thania Putri Onsu cannot be doubted anymore. The three children of the couple Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah are known to be very compact despite being ignorant with each other.

However, Thalia, who just had his fifth birthday, has a friend who is no less close, you know! See the second portrait, let’s!

1. Here it is, a schoolmate and a close friend of Thalia, Keith Xavier Winjaya. You’re cute, huh?


2. Thalia and Keith’s closeness began when both of them became students in the same school. They attend Tzu Chi School

Friends Forever, 9 Sweet Portraits of Familiarity Thalia Onsu and Keithinstagram.com/keith.xw

3. Thalia herself has studied at a school located in Penjaringan, since mid-2017

Friends Forever, 9 Sweet Portraits of Familiarity Thalia Onsu and Keithinstagram.com/keith.xw

4. So, Thalia and Keith’s friendship has existed for a long time. But the intimacy of the two just in the spotlight some time ago

Friends Forever, 9 Sweet Portraits of Familiarity Thalia Onsu and Keithinstagram.com/keith.xw

Also Read: Stylish Since Childhood, Take a peek at 10 OOTD Kece Ala Thalia Putri Onsu!

5. Precisely at the celebration of Betrand’s 15th birthday last March. Keith who was present also stole the attention of fans of the Onsu Family

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Friends Forever, 9 Sweet Portraits of Familiarity Thalia Onsu and Keithinstagram.com/keith.xw

6. In addition to her handsome face, who is of Korean descent, her sweet relationship with Thalia has attracted a lot of attention

Friends Forever, 9 Sweet Portraits of Familiarity Thalia Onsu and Keithinstagram.com/keith.xw

7. As a pair of very close friends, both Thalia and Keith always give gifts to each other on various occasions

Friends Forever, 9 Sweet Portraits of Familiarity Thalia Onsu and Keithinstagram.com/keith.xw

8. Before the pandemic struck, the two also often played together outside school hours. Like taking a walk to the mall

Friends Forever, 9 Sweet Portraits of Familiarity Thalia Onsu and Keithinstagram.com/keith.xw

9. However, the sweet closeness between the two children had made Thalia’s sister Betrand feel jealous

Friends Forever, 9 Sweet Portraits of Familiarity Thalia Onsu and Keithinstagram.com/keith.xw

Also Read: 10 Photos of Sweet Thania & Thalia Birthday Party, Princess of Pride Ruben Onsu

This happened because Thalia forgot for a moment with her brother and instead focused on playing with Keith. Funny! But apparently Keith really idolizes the figure of this sister of Thalia and Thania, you know!

There are some portraits of sweet closeness between Thalia Putri Onsu and her best friend, Keith Xavier Winjaya. Friends forever like a cocoon, here!

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