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“Fridays for Future”: More than 10,000 people demonstrate in Berlin

“Fridays for Future”

More than 10,000 climate activists demonstrate in Berlin

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Marcus Brandt/dpa

Video: rbb|24| 03/25/2022 | Material: evening show, Brandenburg current | Image: Marcus Brandt/dpa

“Fridays for Future” has called for the tenth global climate strike on Friday. More than 10,000 activists demonstrated in Berlin at noon. Numerous actions also took place in Brandenburg.

Thousands of people demonstrated on Friday in Berlin and Brandenburg for climate protection and peace. They followed a call from the “Fridays For Future” initiative, which had announced protests in numerous cities in Germany and other countries.

According to the police, more than 10,000 demonstrators marched from Invalidenpark to the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin-Mitte – including many schoolchildren who stayed away from school. Posters read: “Climate justice for the future and peace” and “Hey traffic lights, finally switch to green climate policy”.

Start am Berliner Invalidenpark

The climate demonstration started at 12 noon in Invalidenpark near the main train station. After a program lasting around half an hour, the activists began to march to the Brandenburg Gate. A rally with various speakers and music was then planned there, it was said in the run-up to the climate demonstration.

“Fridays For Future” spokeswoman Carla Reemtsma told rbb that it is also about ending dependence on fossil fuels. “We have to stop importing coal and gas from Russia to finance the war in Ukraine,” Reemtsma said. However, new fossil dependencies could not be the answer, such as the purchase of gas from Qatar: “We need a concrete phase-out date for coal, oil and gas”.

Restrictions throughout the downtown area

Already in the morning there were traffic restrictions due to numerous feeder demonstrations, some with several hundred people. A demonstration march in Prenzlauer Berg started at 8 a.m. Further demos with the aim of Invalidenpark started at 9:50 a.m. in Kreuzberg (Schleiermacherstraße) and at 10:30 a.m. in the Westend (Theodor-Heuss-Platz) and in Friedrichshain (Möllendorfstraße).

Numerous actions also in Brandenburg

Several hundred people also took part in the protests in Brandenburg, including in Potsdam, Brandenburg an der Havel, Cottbus, Frankfurt (Oder), Luckenwalde, Prenzlau, Senftenberg and Wittenberge. Around 200 people attended in Potsdam. Banners said “Do something!” or “Stop Putin’s Oil and Gas”.

Demand for independence from autocracies

Even if a new coalition is now in power in Germany, the demands of the climate protection movement have not changed, according to the “Fridays for Future” appeal published on the Internet: “We are fighting for consistent compliance with the 1.5 degree border and thus for the preservation of a future worth living in for today’s and, above all, future generations.”

The protest is also directed against Germany’s dependence on Russian energy sources, said the Berlin spokeswoman for “Fridays for Future”, Clara Duvigneau, to rbb Inforadio on Friday: “It’s no longer just about getting the climate crisis under control, but also about creating independence from autocracies.”

In response to the war in Ukraine, spokespeople for the climate movement have repeatedly called for a faster phase-out of fossil fuels. The use of fossil energy sources is a warmonger in this conflict, it said with a view to gas and coal imports from Russia.

Broad alliance supports climate strike

A broad alliance of non-governmental organizations has taken part in the global climate strike. “A return to coal or nuclear power would immensely exacerbate the climate crisis and torpedo the energy transition,” said Climate Alliance Germany. This includes Amnesty International, Attac Germany, the Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND) and the Naturschutzbund (Nabu).

The commitment to climate protection cannot wait for peaceful times. The accelerating global warming threatens to exacerbate conflicts worldwide, according to the call for action by the alliance for a climate strike: “Nearly half of all people are already suffering from the consequences of the climate crisis – especially those in the Global South who did not cause this crisis.”

Show: evening show, March 25, 2022, 7:30 p.m

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